I noticed today that now I have to click it and target the weapon i want to use it on. Before i could just click it and it enchanted the equiped weapon. Is this a bug or a new feature?
Source patch notes at the top of the forum.
thanks must of missed this when looking. I do find it very annoying so will have to figure out a macro to make is faster.
If you make a macro like this:
/Use algari mana oil
/Use 16
/click StaticPopup1Button1
It should apply the oil to your main hand.
I am newbie to understanding macros, is there a risk of triggering a main-hand weapon activated effect (I.E Best-in-Slots) when using that macro?
fantastic that worked thank you
If you didn’t have any oil I can see the /use 16 using your on use effect of your main hand weapon.
what a lame change
While it is lame for a good portion of the player base, it was also incredibly infuriating for the portion of people who dual-wielded. I moonlight as a fury warrior and I was wondering if I was just nuts or if sometimes I didn’t get my buff like I was supposed to and it was because oils would just randomly target weapons with little regard for where it was actually going lol
I get that it would be frustrating to dual wielders. blizz could have fixed that problem in such a manner that it didn’t make it frustrating for literally everyone else
oh well.
many times i would just use it than unequip my main hand to make sure the next use went to my off-hand. happy with this change.
Would have been nice if one oil buffed both weapons
Completely a non-issue because it just focused the weapon with the least amount of buff time left. Now we have to manually click our weapons. STOP LETTING THE INTERNS DEVELOP THE GAME!
I mean apparently it was right? Else they wouldn’t have done it.
Oh, sure. Papa Ion is never wrong. Now I have to attempt to rig a macro to use the oil and then click on my weapon.
That must be a struggle, really. I’m sorry for what you have to go through.
We shouldn’t need a macro.
I was happy with how it was beforehand because I had overbought the oil.
as a dual wielder, change was needed. Was tired of having to click off both oils so it wouldn’t just apply to the main hand twice when refreshing.