Algari Enchanting Knowledge

How do i get more enchanting knowledge since patron orders don’t give any?

Disenchant stuff. You get a set amount of KP items you can get out of disenchanting per week. Once you get the purple one you are done for the week. Unless you are behind, in which case keep DEing stuff to get the catch up items to show up.

you can buy books from vendors in the worker order building (10 points) building for 300-400 acuity

You can get 15 points per week. 1 from an treatsie, 2 from random world treasure, 3 from the quest, and 9 from disenchanting. There’s also a variety off 1 time knowledge sources ( 2 treasures power zone, 3 books on the artisan guy in form, 1 book from a rep, 1 for key in city of threads).

Catch-up is gotten by disenchanting more things.

Once you get all the weekly stuff done then you can start getting more of the catch up items, but keep in mind you have to get the random world treasure ones as well. The darkmoon decks are a guaranteed item per disenchant and depending on prices right now can be a pretty quick cheap way to catch up.

Spec into the masks. I know it seems like a waste, but there are something like 20 of them and you get your knowledge points back from first crafting them and you get a boatload of acuity.

Illusions are also the number one listing in the chanting patron WOs. Filling that wheel is a very good investment to make those illusions at r2 with R1 mats.