is an Alliance progression-focused raiding guild on the Classic US – Pagle server. We offer a diverse, mature, and friendly community, which makes us an enjoyable guild to raid with. Our philosophy is built on providing an environment where players can have fun, develop friendships, and succeed as a team. Although we have a lot of fun, it’s important to understand that we take raiding seriously. Having alignment with our player’s goals and the expectations of the guild is essential to our success. We place a high value on dependability, loyalty, and teamwork.
Current Progress:
8/8 BWL
Farming MC and Onyxia weekly
When We Raid:
Wednesday: 6pm – 9pm EST
Thursday: 6pm – 9pm EST
Loot Distribution:
Classes We Need:
Hunter – 1
Mage – 2
Fury – 1
Rogue – 1
(We will consider other classes/specs/roles based on the player)
What We Expect From Players:
Possess an in-depth knowledge of their class, which includes, but not limited to, optimum talent choices, gear itemization, and stat priorities.
A willingness to take constructive criticism as needed.
Patience and endurance to wipe repeatedly on new content as part of the learning process.
Good-natured personality (we strive to keep a drama-free guild).
Raid attendance, punctuality, and preparedness (while we understand that RL gets in the way periodically, we expect 75%+ attendance).
Who to contact:
Sharizon(Sharizon#1126 for battle.net)
https:// discord .gg/DwWkkwg