Alchemy is in dire need of attention and needs to stop being put on the back burner. Alchemy has ever truly only had two high points. Vial of the sands and the arena flask (reusable). Cauldrons cannot be sold anymore and the alch trinkets are all but useless outside of being a fresh 70. Please show alchemy some love…and stop focusing on jewelcrafting so much!
I have been trying to get into professions more and have been interested in alchemy. It’s a great profession from a gameplay/lore perspective, sucks to see it not living to its potential.
if you think alchemy is getting the short end of the stick, you should see engineering /cry
ya these 2 ones seems to get scwered the most lol
It’s even more annoying that they stick important recipes in the raid, too. Like the upgraded elemental potions and the potion cauldron, or the phial cauldron in the next raid. Why can’t we just buy crafting recipes from doing crafting activities? 0_o
My guild clears normal and heroic every week, and have done for many weeks now. We haven’t seen the alchemy raid recipe drop even once.
Alchemy is also continuously dented by stuff like what’s happening to Ultimate pots in 10.1. Presumably because of the removal of Primal Chaos, the potions will no longer be BoP, players will be able to post and purchase them via the AH, and our list of public orderable recipes diminishes by one.
This would be fine in any situation where we could guarantee top-quality crafts without insight, but we can’t, so it remains disappointing grind design while other professions soak major profits with much easier crafts like lariats and elementium.
The whole thing just needs a lot of help that designers aren’t really acknowledging.
why do you think they will not be bop? i was looking forward to the primal removal because hardly anyone gets the crafted on my server at lest.
welp, at lest ill be able to sale the crap out these. no use to even open the crafting order tab again.
Let’s hope so, yeah. I hope it works out, but there is also good reason to be incredulous. One major problem of Dragonflight is the amount devs have slid the goalposts around for what public orders are supposed to be, who’s supposed to benefit from them, and why they’re supposed to benefit from them. What we have now is a situation that disproportionately benefits anyone that picked Jewelcrafting, period.
Another problem is that economies based on craft- and reagent-quality work well enough for crafting gear and weapons - things that can be recrafted up. Needing to slog through a lot of unprocced, two-star, zero-multicraft waste to get something saleable for the AH makes crafting consumables a much, much, much harder road.
And with Alchemy specifically, there are a lot of big misses with regard to the design. I harp about it elsewhere here, but Transmutation started the tier as a misleading investment, and it hasn’t seen the kind of change needed to make it viable. Experimentation was messy in the beginning obviously, but is such a missed flavor opportunity overall. It’s also in a toxic zero-sum with Inspired Insight in the way that they both cost mettle. Altar of Decay, recipe rarity, CR stealth breaks, lack of BoP gating, etc. There’s just a lot to raise an eyebrow at.
It just all needs a big rethink.
Alchemy profession 30min thingy’s …what? The complicated situational WTH one should I use? OMG … Thank God for the health potion. whew… at least that is reliable.
I feel like Alchemy is an extension of the Maws ‘Torghast’ buffs… how do you choose that will work or will do nothing or even damage you? Just My Opinion. JMO. I don’t even know what to stock the Guild Bank with … I always like Alchemy since beginning but now …it is just some forgotten ‘aside’. It is like the real world I live it…what is real and what isn’t… JUST LIKE THE CIA SAID THEY’D BE HAPPY WITH!
By making UPP not BOP blizzard has insured that the only ones that will make a profit on alchemy in 10.1 now are the bots that have a stranglehold on the herb/potion economy.
Great job, Blizzard.
I would have preferred if they had just made it so that stupid recipe even dropped in the first place. Been running that raid weekly since it came out, and my guild hasn’t seen it drop once.
Oh, people can sell the portion on the auction house now? Cool… can’t even get the recipe.
Seriously though. Why are so many crafting recipes from adventure stuff? This goes across all crafting classes. Let us each crafting recipes by crafting. Not hoping the RNG on a boss is being kind that day.
Let’s also touch on the fact that the potions are such a pain to make that trying to get enough mats to make enough for yourself/guild is draining enough. Can’t really buy the mats since you would end up selling the potions at a loss. And yes, I know the herbs are cheap, but the herbs are not the problem part of making those potions.
I am actually curious if anyone on the dev team plays an Alchemist when they can’t just give themselves any mats or recipes they may need. I would not be surprised if the answer were no.
It really does, but man at least you are not doing as we Engineers are
Dracothyst looks like a chance to make money now with alchemy, assuming that you get your hands on the recipe quickly. When season 2 starts there will be a high demand in the next few weeks, so when you try to sell those you should be early bird at transmuting them.
Engeneering has always been the short stick prof that was used to make personals. I dont know what it has now but i think they took the fun stuff out that makes eng worth getting a long time. I dropped it and just got jc on that character.