Alchemy mastery change broken

unlearned Alchemy Specialization of potion mastery to go into a different specialization. Though I was able to unlearn it, I can not learn any new specialization or even go back to my original. I have been to all trainers and I mean all. Is this a bug, or am I not understanding something.

Don’t you talk to the NPC’s in Outland still?

By Saronai (7,034 – 1·19·75) on 2011/12/06 (Patch 4.2.2)

Since I was waiting to level for the Darkmoon Faire, I can confirm that this quest (including all of the Mastery quests for Alchemy) can be found from Lilyssia Nightbreeze on alliance-side. However, she did not offer the quests until I hit 475 in alchemy.

I also couldn’t find the old quests.

In short, you now must wait until 475 in alchemy to pick a mastery (unless you already picked one before the patch).

Edit to add: The quest gives you nothing more than the mastery in exchange for all the elixirs (went elixir mastery). I was 81 at the time of completion (bought the elixirs for the quest off the AH).

Nvm you should be able to learn it from the Stormwind Alchemy trainer.

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Cata brought the new mastery quests. You’re boned until you can do them.

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I can’t even unlearn potion mastery at this point. I talk to the trainer at Cenarion Expedition Lauranna and all she offers is the two low level quests. No conversation option to unlearn my potion mastery spec.

Since as said jsut above your posts you need to do it at the main city trainers. Any but shatt or dal.

You don’t want to thou as the new specs all need cata mats to get.

Using the patch 4.3 method of acquiring alchemy masteries, you CANNOT swap from potion to transmute or something like that. You have to do the individual quest pertaining to the particular mastery. These all require cata recipes. The one for transmute is particularly steep and makes no sense for the 4.3 patch implementation of learning an alchemy mastery to be present as opposed to keeping the outland quests at the start of the expansion. Thankfully, I was able to get 10 alchemists the mastery prior to the prepatch but I have some left waiting.

Got all six alchemists to 525. I want to switch one, but no quest is available at the trainer. Something definitely off here.

I found it. The Alchemy trainer in Darnassus will let you change mastery!!!


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