Wow, got to wait until they reenabled this. Then exploded straight off the bat. Thanks blizzard, didn’t want to progress anyway
The blowing up needs to be removed or cut the thing to 30 minutes or so, on EACH EXPERIMENT. I just got on to do one, made 1 potion then blew up the next, now I can’t make anymore until after I come home from work in the afternoon lol. It’s so stupid, the RNG is already crap as it is, why make this sting even more?
*rolls dice, explodes immediately*
You can sometimes discover a potion that removes the debuff, but ya, its really annoying. Especially since i just did like 9 experiments, got zero new recipes, and blew up like 5 times.
I suppose I should be grateful. After 4 explosions in a row, I managed a whole two experimentations (nothing discovered, of course) before blowing up again for the 5th time today.
The sad part is at least one person at Blizzard actually thought this was fun gameplay with at least several others signing off on it. It certainly makes you wonder…
I logged in today to immediately explode
I think the concept of the mechanic is cool, but it is currently TOO punishing, especially to people who can’t play as much. I think the CD should be lowered or the chance of exploding made much less random and more based on how many experiments you have completed. Alternately, providing a quest or something to clear the CD (that doesn’t take 4 hours to do) could be another method. Go do a chore for the master alchemist or something along those lines.
Please help the alchemists!
Update 1: Blew up again on the first experiment after waiting 4 hours.
Update 2: One experiment successful, next experiment failed. Time to wait another 4 hours.
Update 3: Blew up on the first experiment. Another 4 hour wait ahead.
Update 4: First ty this morning! One experiment successful, next experiment failed. Time to wait another 4 hours.
Update 5: Got lucky, 7 successful experiments in a row. Now to wait another 4 hours.
My guess is they didn’t want alchemists to gain such a massive lead on other crafters by having an “easier” learning system rather than having to find new recipes in the game. Its basically time gating.
The ironic part being they botched it so bad, and it was known before in the beta about the exploit, that they have instead handicapped alchemists by disabling the feature altogether for 2 days, and the pacing is bad.
I don’t even want to log onto my other characters right now because I’d rather be working on my main’s progression. So instead I’m just gonna go play a different game for 4 more hours while I wait for this cool down.
They want to keep people on their game? Don’t punish them for playing it.
what’s even more annoying is that utility potions are utterly worthless as well because they can be found in expedition packs and dirt piles, so they bound our progression to RNG, slowed it by having explosion chances, stopped it by disabling the research mechanic entirely, AND made our early stuff worthless.
not to mention that we have to also destroy our products to perform research, something no other profession has to do
does someone at Blizzard REALLY hate alchemists or something?
hell, I’ve made more gold with ENGINEERING than alchemy so far!
I see…so farm mats then.
I have at least 20 grey recipes I can discover, I experimented 4 times before exploding, and discovered nothing.
10/10 system.
The issue though is that it isn’t time-gating. It is RNG-gating with bonus “F*** you!” timer attached. Ironically, all it is doing is giving people that exploited the cooldown an even bigger lead.
Alchemy in virtually every other expansion worked far, FAR better; You do your experiment, you get a random new recipe, you come back the next day or whenever. This RNG explosion nonsense is utter rubbish. Why they messed with something that isn’t broken in such a way that is universally hated boggles my mind.
Then there is a matter of being completely unable to level the second half of Alchemy without experiments…
Four experiments before an explosion?
Good lord man, go buy a lottery ticket.
I haven’t even bothered messing with Alchemy until it gets resolved, just stacking Herbs and wondering if it’s worth dropping Alchemy for Enchanting or tailoring at this point.
Not to mention spending any skill point on it rolling the dice Blizzard doesn’t change or nerf the spec you comitted to leaving you screwed for quite awhile.
2 experiment no discoveries and now only 2 hr cd . wow saved . Now i can try every 2 hrs and cry instead of 4
Was this an announced change somewhere? Still showing as 4 hour CD for me after an explosion.