It was in the latest hotfix from yesterday. They’ve temporarily disabled it.
The cooldown reset bug was reported in beta and not fixed. So it went live. Players took advantage of it, whether accidentally or deliberately, and so now a lot of players already have every phial and potion recipe learned.
In what world does it make sense, then, to penalize the players who didn’t take advantage of the reset by not allowing us to advance at all? We’re falling further behind the exploiters with each passing hour, as alchemy prices plummet.
The worst part about this is the 0 response from blizzard other the we temp took it down. Are the exploiters going to get penalized or are they just going to get rewarded for doing it quickly and everyone else is 2-3 weeks behind them now… and cant even legitly progress.
can’t level alchemy because of this…when are you going to enable it again? holy crap. Imagine locking down a profession cuz of a bug you failed to fix.
hey blizz, turn the sheet back on, you’ve had 4 years of development on this…
Yeah, this is super annoying. Cannot even go further in Alchemy. While everyone else that is not an alchemist gets to level up the profession they have.
Hope people at least are gonna be given a few liquid courage because of that disabling, def not gonna happen but can dream of it…
This, and it’s already super frustrating to be an alchemist, because it feels like all the recipes are locked behind experimentation.
I find it hilarious how they manage to screw Alchemy at the beginning of both Wrath Classic and DF launch. Y’all hate Alchemists, Blizz?
Well on a side note i guess it also counters the fact every raider and mythic + player needs us every hour. For the entire expansion and we only need other proffesions when we get a new piece of gear.
Glad its not only me. I came here looking. It was working fine not to long ago, but today and yesterday the “experiment” button does nothing but play a sound file as if it was working.
Please post an ETA how long this will be unavailable. Other crafters get to make bank while we peddle piddly potions. Let me discover the good stuff please.
It’s been nearly two days, and still no update or even an ETA on a fix. The silence sucks Blizz
Seems to be working now.
Hey look I exploded on my first experiment since they were re-enabled
Gee I wonder why people were exploiting to circumvent this obtuse and deliberately painful system.
Soooo…can I begin leveling my profession now?
Same. This explosion garbage is so incredibly dumb. Would have MUCH rather had a 2 hour cooldown on it where you can gain charges so you’re not forced to log in every 2 hours. Or charges every 4 hours. Or 8. Or anything other than this dumb system.
Yup experimentation has been re-enabled. Sadly the moronic 4 hour cooldown and stupidly high explosion chance has with it.
Three explosions in a row. What a great system.
Is a craftable potion that removes the 4 hour cooldown after failure, ended up making some as I leveled.
They are a random result from experimentation.
No, the irony is not lost on me either.