Alc/Herb is the best way to make gold in BFA

Now I know BFA gold is getting harder to get due to the nerf on mission tables. I have a simple solution …go alc/herb.

Currently I can make 20 flasks on my main server and sell them for about almost 30K on the AH.

Flying + Sky golem makes it VERY to farm Anchor Weed and the other herbs needed to make the flasks.

So if you are struggling with gold simply go Alc/Herb and watch the gold roll in.

I’ve been very successful with Mining/Herb. Being a raw gatherer means every trip from point A to B has twice the resources available for me to gather, and later sell in the AH. There’s few things as satisfying as opening my mailbox and clicking through the gold I made from all the mats. I’ve quickly become a fan of double gathering professions.

I have a sky golem so I dont have to dismount when herbing. You much also remember that A. At rank 3 potions can proc so that is literally herbs you never have to use. and B. The only thing mining is useful for is JC and flasks sell for MUCH more than gems.

Correct. I also have the skygolem, so I only have to dismount for minerals. I’m rank 3 for both herb and mining, too. So the question is whether the average value of a flask (if we average the savings from the procs) minus the value of the mats is still greater than the value of minerals. All rank 3. That’s probably near impossible to calculate, especially when we think of the travel time involved from dismounting, and personal cost savings of flasks being double duration for alchemists.

Yea but you also have to remember the demand for raw mats will kind of die down as people upgrade their professions to full. And while Flasks and potions are more used than gems herbs (or what is made form them) will sell much faster than ore. (when using the AH how QUICKLY the item is bought must also be factored in.

You didn’t factor in the time and effort needed to get flying. So Alc/Herb is good IF you already have flying. For me that is “maybe a month from now”.

What if you are still weeks away from flying?

I am a fan of double gather (herb/mine) to level. On the way up I usually have enough to purchase the flying upgrades on the way.

My most recent char is a HM Shaman and she bought base flying at level 60 and then the first upgrade at 90 and the next at 100. On Blade’s Edge server my best sellers that put me over the top for flying were Cata mats. Specifically Volatile Life/Whiptail from Uldum and Ore from Mt Hyjal.

I have flying unlocked in WoD and Legion, so that helped get around.

At max level herb/alc is probably a good choice for the reasons noted above. I chose to keep herb/mining on my only char to progress to max level though. Mostly because I wanted the exp from gathering nodes as I went from 110 to 120 on my DK.

Plus, given the state of professions, and the fact that I no longer care about the crafting side of things… I’m not really going to get upset if I never get beyond rank 1 or 2 in any of the gathering abilities. I get the stuff and dump it on the AH. Typically pricing at 50% of what ever the lowest price is for whatever mats I’m posting. [1]

Mostly because the goal is to empty out the bank/bags going forward. Not to maximize gold income. Even doing that I have enough to do repairs, buy what I need and take care of transmog costs.

[1] In BfA I’ve made more gold selling fish than either ore or herbs for some reason…

I am going by the assumption you played BFA long enough to get Pt1 of Pathfinding then tried to get pt2 ASAP… ofc if you are late to BFA content things change. Also even if you can’t fly you still can herb withou dismounting that way you only need to buy the LW item that prevents Daze and ya decently set.

Betweem Looms, War Mode and invasions, ya can get to 120 pretty quickly form 110 without herbs. However when it comes to alchemy the big sellers are battle potions and flasks. What I do is I gather herbs and quest until I finish a leveling zone. I then make potions and level alch until I run out then move to the next zone rince and repat.

The thing is not everyone has alc. Yet as a raider they are gonna need those potions and flasks to get into a half decent PuG raid (even some guilds require you to bring your own pots) as such they are gonna want to potions not the hebrs. OFC ya can always buy the herbs and find an alch but sometimes people are rushed and don’t have the time to find an Alc.

This was due to Midnight Salmon… this if a fish that dropped RARELY (even in the evening when the drop rate increased) this fish was mandatory to make the BFA feasts so those combined meant they were sought after a lot. This changed when they made the drop rate better.

lol - didn’t know that. Guess that is why they sold so well. I haven’t touched my DK for a couple of months, so haven’t been up to date with any changes.