Akama Horde Reconnections

Shoutout to Thunderbears


Omg. I remember that Guild. They lasted so long

<3 Veega :smiley:

I might dabble, but not serious.

OMG Sneakers, I remember you! LS is still around! :slight_smile:

I’m on Herod, are you guys sticking with the streamer server?

OMG Sneakers, I remember you! LS is still around! :slight_smile:


Acquired Taste rolling alliance on Whitemane, if any old folks are looking for us here

Hyper#1769 we even have a discord now can you imagine irie let us move out of vent???

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Streamers chose Fearlina, I’m not sure where Asmon is going, but Tips and Staysafe esfrand all confirmed.

Painfuldead Brum, and i doing Whitemane alliance.

@hyper What is your discordd?

I was more of a BC raider and beyond, but I was Ironhyd, Enhance Shaman of and a few other guilds. I remember raiding BC with a few of you already here.

Oh man, I remember you, you were in And Pals right?

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Hello Old names, from BC launch to end of Wrath.

Ano rogue
Monkeyqc pally

Arliea - Reporting in

Hi Jelly <3

Ayyyyeee gguuurll

No Arliea, No

Good to see you dude!

Holy crap, you and Grouchy still destroying everything? Nice to see you too man!

Nah haven’t talked to Grouchy in a few years, grew apart. I will be giving this Classic thing a shot though!

Sad to hear, but glad you’re looking to give WoW a shot again!