Akama Horde Reconnections

There is 3 people that I am wondering is still around. Quux, Zugzug, both mages, and an undead warrior named Erahone that used the lunar crescent in season 1 arena. Played all of season 1 arena with him but he joined the army and never heard from him again. Would love to know he is still alive and kicking, that would be truly a blast from the past.

yeah I played a paladin named deertree

hey Im wanting to play rogue in classic I started in burning cursade hoping for some tips some to to pvp or dg with 1

hey I’m looking for some friends to start the game with when comes out just seeing maybe we can dg or do some pvp together ,leveling

I remember you! Were you in the guild with Truder also?

Holy crap Negi, I remember you! As for Erah, he quit in Wrath iirc. Tell Hanzohattori I said hi.

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Hey! Yea I leveled my Mage to 60 and Diverge shot me an invite not long after that. Raided with them in Relentless until shortly after BC launched. Those were the days! Hope your doing well and hopefully I’ll see you on classic.

Any server choice yet?

Doing alliance this time around. Having played Tons of horse back then. Hit me up.


Erahone was our tank into nax 25 on Akama. Rated M, was the guild. IDK what happened to him after that

Him and Droodoffury both kinda quit at the same time, miss them both :open_mouth:

Crazee - Undead Male Priest, use to have a blast being creative with ganks i.e fiery enchanted pick axe’d lowbies in STV. Looking for my old ganking bud Ironmaiden (undead fem warrior)

Oh yeah! I forgot about that dude.

I for one, I’m looking forward to actually interacting with people. It’s pretty weird that I remember all these dudes from a sever I left 10 years ago, but have no idea who I’ve been playing with the latest 10. Lfd tool was a real bad idea.

I actually haven’t had the opportunity to even look over the choices for realms yet! I have been wondering if Truder and all of them had planned on playing or not, but it would be cool if everyone hooked up on the same server!

I’m doing well, 3 kids and married my vanilla experience won’t be the same as it was back in the day :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope you are doing good also, crazy seeing all these names from that long ago and all the memories coming back!

I will be playing Alliance this time around. I actually already have a guild. We will be doing Whitemaine or Fairbanks, Filthy Casuals.

Anyone else from still kickin around?

Not too bad, stopped playing WoW, but gonna come back for Classic. You gonna play? I’ll be horde on Myzrael.

Whitemane PvP west coast

If you see a dwarf named some variation of Shemus, It will likely be me =D

Any of you Cereal Killers still around, always had some great fights with yall in AV
-Eogris Dwarf Paladin

Sneakers here. Played really early on, Vanilla, BC, WOTLK. I remember the old Life Sentence days.

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Hobie from and reporting in and no longer 12 years old.

Going horde on Herod and raiding with , feel free to add me if we’re not already bnet friends. :slight_smile: