CHEST. DAY. Woop woop.
Sent an application would love to hear back from you guys!
Thanks, we will look it over!
Mike Mike Mike Mike, guess what day it is… IT’S BUMP DAY!!!
(This message officially unofficially brought to you by Geico™)
very excited about being a tank/ballerina on Inerva
Spin to win.
Bumpty Bumpty sat on a wall
Bumpty Bumpty had a great fall
Bumpty died…
Fun night of red hues on Inerva, feeling like 5/10M this time next week.
Spin to win. So much spinning. So much winning.
His bumps are sweaty
knees weak, arms are heavy
there’s bumpin on his sweater already
mom’s spaghetti
he’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
to drop bumps!
he’s bumpin now, but the bumps won’t come out
he’s bumpin loud, everybody’s bumpin out
time’s up over blow!
bumped back to reality, bumpin’s not that easy, no…
Ope, there goes the bump, he bumped
He’s such a recruiter, he won’t give up that easy
He’ll keep bumping, his back to the ropes
It don’t matter, he’s dope, he knows how to bump
I hate to break the chain, but…
We doing Fleetwood Mac now?
No, this is Patrick
New week new lock out. And CHEST DAY
Big weapon over here!
New week, new kill!
“NOOO This is Patrick! I’m not a Krusty Krab!”
“Uh, Patrick, that’s the name of the restaurant”
I don’t even know the names of the characters in Sponge