AITAH - Scholomance

I have a doozy for you today.

I am a druid with dual-spec. I tank dungeons when I can because there are no tanks in this game, but my main spec is healer for raid, which is the norm.

I queued for Scholo with this description:

Skin of Shadow HR. Runes/Scourgestones are NEED if you will use them. Clearing entire rattlegore room.

Priest whispered me who was in LFG asking to form a group together, they heal, I tank. They were looking for vectus for the +shadow damage neck because they are main spec shadow. This is important later.

Got a group together. All agreed to the loot rules. We had rogue, ele shaman, mage, priest healer, druid tank.

1st red flag: Elemental shaman needed on the spellhit belt from kirito. Mage was upset because the shaman needed on a cloth belt.

2nd red flag: 2 runes dropped. I passed the first, needed the second.

Mage pulled extra mobs then dipped because “this group is lame” for druid needing a rune and mage needing a spell belt.

We wipe. recover then priest says he is not staying if the tank needs runes because bears can’t use them. I explained I am only tanking because there are no tanks, and I main healer in raid. I then said I had no problem finding another healer. He kept going on about it so I removed him and invited a priest healer who is on my raid team.

We reentered LFG. old healer (spriest main) sees the new healer’s name in our LFG and whispers them. This is the exchange:

Old Healer: Be careful that tank needs runes.

New healer: the advert says if you are using the runes need them.

Old: When does a bear tank use runes? he was listed as tank in the finder. Not like he was asked to tank.

New: cause he’s a f’in druid who uses them for raid lmfao and is the group leader. Just read it and save yourself the time.

Old: Lol i understand but. but in a world of dual spec if you play a role in a group u MAINSPEC that spec in the dung no? u cant just take all healer and caster and melee dps
gear just bc u can play that spec. but GL

So what do y’all think?

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In a world full of dingleberries you’re certain to run into dingleberries.


Dungeons are so painful extremely painful right now because of the tank shortage, people don’t want to do them. It’s a rough… rough experience. My alts aren’t doing many dungeons at the moment because people like you mentioned… are ruining the game.


Typically I dont mention what Im after, but if pressed I will state what I intend to roll on if it drops. Since I’m usually tank or heals, if that’s a real problem for someone else, I’ll just go find another group. Madonline nerds doing stuff like wiping the group is silly – if I got my item, I dont care about a literal 10S repair bill. \o/

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in a world of dual spec, no one can hear you whine about loot rules :expressionless:

No one asked for your opinion.

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Sounds to me like the old healer thought you would use them in the dungeon. Only “logical” explanation. And I put that in quotation marks because it sounds like the old healer is devoid of logic.

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So they agreed with the loot rules right up until loot started dropping and it affected them in an adverse way. I think you managed to find a few folks who were just looking to whine about something.


this is why boosting shouldn’t be allowed


i have seen warriors need the runes, and its not uncommon at all honestly. it sucks, but it is what it is. its a manapot worth 8-10g on a good day.

tanks dont even really have much incentive to run scholo, there is hardly any tank gear at all. you honestly cant really expect someone to run a dungeon and get nothing out of it.

no one is in the wrong for needing on runes in my opinion and honestly, enough of them drop to do RR.

no, not the ahole

i’ve stopped caring about what happen inside any dungeon in anniversary, because there is always an issue.

1-everyone pressing need on anything without caring about other in group.
2-people doing ninja pulls.
3-people not even doing any dps, probably total noobs or they press 1 key and afk as if they tabbed watching something.
4-people clueless about the dungeon, maybe new players but i met a lot of them in anniversary.
5-people who can’t read chat.

for unknown reasons most players claim that random dungeon finder is bad…even though everything you can list about rdf exist in current anniversary dungeons “even the teleport because everyone just buy summons to the dungeon door”.

there are quests that require dark runes fyi :expressionless:

also crafted items

they can buy them from the auction house like they buy sapphires and crystals.

your comment isnt relevant to my post, and i wasnt even talking to you in the first place.

ive given you enough of my time today. be gone.

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if i need dark runes for a quest or crafted item i am rolling need :expressionless:

Yeah it’s better for everyone to roll on BoE at this point. Also any mana class can get some marginal use out of runes. Even a lock is saving a GCD.

There is no such thing as MS > OS in groups.

Blizzard even says it’s not enforceable.

You can need on anything you want.

Blizzard says they will do nothing for MS > OS arguments.

When I heal on my priest I need on caster gear all the time. No one has really said anything to me.

I group with normal people so that’s probably the reason.