I have a doozy for you today.
I am a druid with dual-spec. I tank dungeons when I can because there are no tanks in this game, but my main spec is healer for raid, which is the norm.
I queued for Scholo with this description:
Skin of Shadow HR. Runes/Scourgestones are NEED if you will use them. Clearing entire rattlegore room.
Priest whispered me who was in LFG asking to form a group together, they heal, I tank. They were looking for vectus for the +shadow damage neck because they are main spec shadow. This is important later.
Got a group together. All agreed to the loot rules. We had rogue, ele shaman, mage, priest healer, druid tank.
1st red flag: Elemental shaman needed on the spellhit belt from kirito. Mage was upset because the shaman needed on a cloth belt.
2nd red flag: 2 runes dropped. I passed the first, needed the second.
Mage pulled extra mobs then dipped because “this group is lame” for druid needing a rune and mage needing a spell belt.
We wipe. recover then priest says he is not staying if the tank needs runes because bears can’t use them. I explained I am only tanking because there are no tanks, and I main healer in raid. I then said I had no problem finding another healer. He kept going on about it so I removed him and invited a priest healer who is on my raid team.
We reentered LFG. old healer (spriest main) sees the new healer’s name in our LFG and whispers them. This is the exchange:
Old Healer: Be careful that tank needs runes.
New healer: the advert says if you are using the runes need them.
Old: When does a bear tank use runes? he was listed as tank in the finder. Not like he was asked to tank.
New: cause he’s a f’in druid who uses them for raid lmfao and is the group leader. Just read it and save yourself the time.
Old: Lol i understand but. but in a world of dual spec if you play a role in a group u MAINSPEC that spec in the dung no? u cant just take all healer and caster and melee dps
gear just bc u can play that spec. but GL
So what do y’all think?