Air brakes pls!

It’s not immediate, but I usually pull up sharp to slow down and just slowly drop down. May not be intuitive and a result of playing various other games with glide mechanics.

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Of all the things that could improve it this one is probably the least of my concerns. Before we get air brakes we should probably hope that they update old mounts instead of leaving us with a handful of options that are mostly bland.

If dragon riding is “muh future of wow” then they have a lot of work to do.


I agree with OP’s proposal.

It’s even realistic since large birds can do this maneuver.

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“Immersion breaking” is having a few dozen dragon mounts that can’t be used for…checks notes…dragon riding.


I think this can be added when these new mounts can actually fly, instead of the hybrid fly/paragliding at high speeds.

I do hope Dracthyr also get flying if they add full flying to these new mounts… and even hope for DH to at least if not flying they can paraglide as fast like these mounts or the new race do. (IMO)

Just aim up.


I want spins and loop the loops, hard quick turns, so when I’m playing “Danger Zone” on the mp3 player, I can feel it in the dragon


Or as I sometimes call it, lithobraking.

George of the Jungleing
For those artisan crashers


I laughed way too hard at that! :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

It’s only pure luck that hasn’t happened to me yet, slaloming between trees like I do.

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That was a dumb place to put a tree.

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I love dragon riding, but Blizz opened a Pandora’s box. We all want MORE.


When I come off a high peak and go straight down and land hard I keep saying to my self this…“Coming in Hot”


Yeah I doubt they add something like that, because this clearly was designed to prevent people from doing that hover/scout move with the flying mount – at least to make it take longer and involve more skill (flying in an arc and making a scouting pass before deciding where to land).

A brake would be cool but i wouldnt make it cost vigor.

Mustang, requesting fly-by

Wait you guys aren’t using the shockwave AoE landing talent? :astonished:

Air breaks exist. You just have to point yourself down while hitting the Ascent button. You can even get most of the breaking power with a quick flick down while hitting the button, so you don’t have to like awkwardly point all the way into a dive before hitting it. Works exactly how you’d want it to work pretty much.

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