why do i have to to do this quest for 9 alts i dont mind getting rep for them but waiting for dragonbane keep on your clock f that bs
im on the dragon isles not on the forbidden reach
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You don’t. If you don’t need the rewards don’t do the quest.
I was doing it on 26 alts each week for most of the expac so far and it was burning me out. I now only do it on my crafters who still need renown recipes, since it only rewards gear that is much worse than Forbidden Reach gear. Spend that saved time where you want to.
You do also miss out on about 3k gold per week per toon by not doing it and that is a little harder to make up on Forbidden Reach which doesn’t seem to have all that much gold-wise, but the flip side is you should be able to quickly get any toon’s ilvl above 375 (I think it is) where most of the item WQs turn into 600 gold WQs so you can earn as much or as little that way as you want.
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