Venruki posted some videos on youtube looking into the AI programs people have been using in pvp, and after seeing the evidence I believe I’ve been seeing these in bg’s as well. Players knowing when to LOS or feign death at just the right moment despite opening from stealth, instant interrupts, teams getting creamed by players who are just a little too quick and never seem to make a mistake, are all becoming all too common experiences.
I was just in a Twin Peaks with a flag carrier who made his way out of bounds. Despite our team reporting him repeatedly, nothing happened to him.
But I’ve seen people instantly kicked from bg’s from players spam reporting afk in retaliation for speaking up against afkers or premades.
The odds seem specifically stacked against those who just genuinely want to play the game, without cheaters, without premades, without afkers.
What is Blizzard doing about this? A wave ban every 6 months? GG.
there would be a hard line separating players who rely on things like mouseover macros and addons that show your targets trinket timers if those things ever went away.
youre not imagining getting kicked as soon as you cast.
You’re not wrong, although awareness of scripts for kicking are also becoming fairly common knowledge.
After 17 years in bg’s, you become accustomed to gauging a player’s reaction times and improvisation. I actually love running into skilled players in the wild, I become competitive and geek out simultaneously.
Some kicks are too instant. LoS and feign death at just the right moment when you’re stealthed… the first time can be a fluke, the second and third time it’s unmistakable. Seriously check out Venruki’s video on bots in pvp, pretty mind blowing what’s out there.
But, I still think it is pretty rare and most instances are just someone predicting what is going to happen or just pure luck. You are right though about seeing the same unlikely move happening multiple times from the same player though. That is a red flag for sure.
For me I use several mouse buttons/fuctions for things I want done fast or as a mouseover macro. Interupts without cheating can be very fast if my finger is aleady on the button for it.
Whats that thing when you try and interupt a caster and it doesnt? It feels like they cancelled last second. Only seen it this expansion, so I thought it was a talent or embelishment.
The last bg I was in I was carrying the flag in wsg and I was half way across the map and I saw a tumbleweed.
It was at that moment that every dev to ever work for wow has abandoned PvP. And that’s a true story and everyone knows it. This game is dying from old age
Ill have to have a closer look from now on, I dont think its that. But it activates that.
Sometimes when I attempt an interrupt a player will cancel beforehand and the interrupt goes off on nothing. This wastes it and activates this. Good players will try and feint casts this way in order to get you to waste your interrupt. But also I’ve seen timing that seems impossible.
Sometimes it’s like… they managed to send the spell cancel to the server 1/10th of a second before I pummel. As if they are front running the server. Or manipulating what would’ve been an interrupt that connected into one that doesn’t somehow.
It could just be luck or timing but its almost perfect the way some casters lately seem to cancel at a fraction of second.
I’ve been spam reported in retaliation for calling out afkers. There are other anecdotal accounts in this forum regarding getting kicked from groups for not following premade instructions. This is more of a situation that unless it happens to you personally or are on the lookout for it specifically, you likely wouldn’t notice.
regular battlegrounds are dead and just filled with trash. probably better if we all bot those. also, venruki is a 48-year-old clown not sure why you’re watching him.