Does this mean the Arathi Blizzard fights that I thought had bots…really were bots? I was doing 10 or so Arathi Blizzard per day (I actually thought it was a fun take on my favorite BG) and a discussion in our team came up that they thought we kept fighting bots because every fight the opposing team seemed like bots to them…and they did to me too.
The entire opposition team always went Lumbermill and they did the exact same strategies each fight. Their casters did the same thing, their Hunter did the same thing and would always jump off the cliff like a moron, nobody chased outside the LM area to run me down and Arathi Blizzard is the battleground I have the best win ratio for with over %70 win-rate because the team always did the exact same thing, I always knew what they would do.
Here is the post where I asked if they were bots Bots in battlegrounds? - #6 by Paladina-kargath