[A/H][SoD] Looking for casual, laid back guild for Season of Discovery

I’m looking for a laid back guild for Season of Discovery that plans to see and do all content, but isn’t worried about parses and isn’t going to take things too seriously.

I love the game and really want to get deep into SoD, but my days of no lifing and trying to top charts are well behind me. I have a family and a full time job, so I might not be able to make a rigid raid schedule, but I typically have Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings open for gaming. I also enjoy video games as a whole, so there will almost certainly be times over the course of the season where I prefer to dedicate some of my gaming time to other games, although WoW is a constant and I always come back. I imagine I’ll be much more motivated to spend more time with WoW if I have a good guild to play with. I’m looking for a group of like minded people who I can go wipe in a dungeon or raid with, laugh it off, and go again. A group of people who don’t necessarily care about a meta and will take a ret pally or a boomkin into a raid (I know SoD is going to change some of these, but you get the idea). I’m really just looking for a group of people who plan to have fun while clearing content and not worrying about being at the head of the pack.

I’m open to discussing class/role, but I’m leaning pretty hard toward playing Druid and that’s my intention as of right now. I’m willing to flex as the season goes on and things change and am open to playing any of the three roles as needed (with the understanding that I’m not a young person anymore and each instance and role change are going to take some adjustment and learning - I may be bad for a bit). I have never done much vanilla group content. I didn’t really start that until TBC and haven’t done a ton of it since either. I’m open to either faction as well. I’m Horde at heart, but feel like Feral’s ability to give windfury will be a much more useful thing for Alliance.

For what it’s worth, I’m also not really looking for a PUG mass invite guild. I’m open to it and have been in some good ones in the past, but for the most part they tend to have too many members, too much turnover, and too little focus to really accomplish much. I’d really like to be part of a smaller guild with a dedicated core group.


Hit me up on BNet: Kijan#1705
We are going to start something up when the servers launch.

Take a look at this one buddy, I was looking for the same thing: