'Tis I, Captain Blackbeard, scourge of the seven seas and seeker of a flag bold enough to sail under! I’ve heard whispers of a fine crew or guild on this fair server, and I’m keen to join ranks with like-minded swashbucklers.
If there be any guilds flyin’ the Jolly Roger, or if any fine pirates be lookin’ for a seasoned sea dog to add some fire to their crew, let it be known! This old salt be yearnin’ for some good company and lively adventures on the high seas.
So, if ye spy a crew in need of a captain with a taste for the pirate’s life, or know of any guilds that hoist the black flag, send word to Blackbeard. I’ll be waitin’ with me cutlass sharp and me eyes peeled for a new crew to call me own!
Fair winds and followin’ seas, me hearties!
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A pirate eh? Well, if you are looking for fellow free souls who love life on the seas, I cannot recommend enough the folks at the The Blackwater Company ! They are an amazing group of folks, have a wide array of events, and even host a Tavern every tuesday evening!
I feel like you have a missing word here, somewhere
I be extendin’ me deepest thanks to ye for pointin’ me compass in the direction of The Blackwater Company. Aye, I’ll be sure to set sail in their direction and see if we might share some grog and tales of the high seas together. Yarrr, it’s shipmates like ye that make this vast ocean of Moon Guard a finer place to call home.
May fair winds fill yer sails and yer tankard never run dry!
Captain Blackbeard
lol, we’ll all is right with the world now ![:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/sweat_smile.png?v=12)