[A/H/N-RP] Shaman Blessing & Feast Event 11/14

Shaman Blessing & Feast Event
When: Thursday, 11/14 at 5 PM ST
Where: Thunderstrike Mountain, Twilight Highlands

As the harvest season comes to an end, please join us in the Twilight Highlands for a Shamanistic blessing on home and hearth. We will be honoring the ancestors who came before and requesting their blessings, as well as those from the elements. Then we’ll break bread together, share stories and dance.

All are welcome, not just shaman RPers. Please wear earthtones of warm browns, oranges, reds, yellows if you have them.

The event is cross faction and elixirs will be available, as well as anchors. We will also be handing out inky black potions to participants. Sponsored by the Wyrmrest RP Discord as part of the WRA-RP Tavern Project. Hope to see you there!


1 week til event.

This is happening on Thursday!

The Shaman Blessing and Feast is tonight! I’ll be starting a cross-faction group about 15 minutes prior and will post up about it here.

This is part of the WrA-RP Tavern Project: Each month a different tavern, a different location, a different theme. The aim is to bring new, varied types of gathering events to the server.

Starting shortly. Whisper Gunhild (Dwarf) or Halnawee (Tauren) for an invite. The ceremony itself will begin right around 5:15 ST.

Thank you to everyone who turned out for the Shaman Blessing and Feast event! We had quite a diverse turn out and some even got some character growth.

Also, Kirsy (the player) found out that Blizz has borked feasts by adding a shared timer so that if you put down one type of table, you can’t put down the next one until the timer runs out. No banquets, I guess.

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I was lucky enough to see screenshots of this event and it looked like it was an absolute blast! <3