[A/H][Illidan] <The Harem> 9/9H on Farm | Casual M Raiding | M+ | Tmog/Mount Collectors - We're recruiting!

The Harem: Born as a joke to house a small collection of close friends, The Harem has blossomed into a haven for new and old friends alike! We’re a rowdy bunch that enjoys having fun while accomplishing our goals. This is not a family-friendly environment, but we are welcoming to fresh faces. Are you bald? Fear not, against popular belief, we do accept the balds.

We do two full heroic clears a week. Raid nights are Wednesday/Sunday 5pm PST/8pm EST. However, this will go up for poll once we start pushing into mythic.

A few things we do:

  • M+ groups running daily (groups farming between 11-20’s).
  • Timewalking Raid nights
  • Heroic Raid nights
  • Achievement nights

Raiding goals: We’re banding together enough players to start entering casual mythic raiding. We’re hunting for solid DPS and healers.

Interested in joining? COOL! Our heroic raid nights have a minimum ilvl requirement of 465 but great players are easy to gear. Don’t want to raid? We’re also just looking for fun people to chill with.

So, if you have the drive and want to be a part of the fun, come along and reach out to one of our officers on Discord or reply below.

Layy’s Discord: its.lay
Pox’s Discord: poxsicle
Gucci’s Discord: itzgucci

This guild inspired me to get hair plugs and changed my life!

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Any 23 AD’s

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Remember corrupted blood? What a time.

hi lay tried to friend u on disc but not accepting requests it seems.
carefae is my disc :slight_smile: would like to chat

Oops! I thought I had lifted that setting. Looks like it should be lifted now, sent you a friend request, too! ^.^

Will i ever get the axe?