[A/H]<Eclipsed> Multiple Raid Team Guild LFM for Season 2!

Bump!! Happy weekend!! :smiley:

Total Eclipse (11/11N 11/11H 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Needs: Ranged DPS, WW Monk, Enhancement Shaman, healer with dps off spec

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Still looking :slight_smile:

Updated Needs:

Total Eclipse (11/11N 11/11H 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Needs: Fire Mage, WW Monk, Enhancement Shaman, healer with dps off spec

Dark Star (11/11N 11/11H)
Wednesday and Friday 8-11 EST
Needs: Holy Pally, Frost/Unholy DK, and Havoc DH

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Weekend bump…check needs

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Total Eclipse (11/11N 11/11H 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Needs: Enhancement Shaman and healer with dps off spec

Dark Star (11/11N 11/11H)
Wednesday and Friday 8-11 EST
Needs: Holy Pally, Frost/Unholy DK, BM Hunter, and Havoc DH

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

BUMP check needs

Season 4 around the bend and 10.0 in the near future. Lets have fun!

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Bump still looking

We’re still recruiting :slight_smile:

Total Eclipse (11/11N 11/11H 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Needs: Enhancement Shaman, healer with dps off spec

Dark Star (11/11N 11/11H AOTC)
Wed/Fri 8-11 EST
Needs: BM Hunter, Healer, Fire/Frost Mage, and Havoc DH

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Daily bump :slight_smile:

Still in need of a holy pally for Dark Star team :slight_smile:

LF flex healers

Bumping still recruiting flex healers

Total Eclipse (11/11N 11/11H 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Needs: Healer with dps off spec

Dark Star (11/11N 11/11H)
Wednesday and Friday 8-11 EST
Needs: Holy Paladin

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Total Eclipse (11/11H 2/11M 9/10H Fated Nathria)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Needs: Healer with dps off spec

Dark Star (11/11H Sepulcher, 10/10H Fated Nathria)
Wednesday and Friday 8-11 EST
Needs: BM Hunter. Warlock, or any exceptional ranged

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Bump need ranged dps

Still looking for ranged :slight_smile:

BM Hunter and Warlock needed

I have both - lock/mage with double leggo! Drop me a line at Kovo#1606