[A/H]<Eclipsed> Multiple Raid Team Guild LFM for Season 2!

Pushing for AOTC, need more dps, check needs :slight_smile:

Looking for dps ready for Jailer progā€¦please reach out to me if interested :slight_smile:
Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Bump have room for a few more DPS :slight_smile:

Jailer prog starting tomorrow, need a few more solid DPS

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Accepting applications for 9.2.5 and Dragonflight

Total Eclipse (11/11N 11/11H 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Needs: Opened to applications for all roles

Dark Star (11/11N 10/11H)
Wednesday and Friday 8-11 EST
Needs: Opened to applications for all roles

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

42% on Jailorā€¦LF MORE :slight_smile:

Bump to the top!

Hey there, I just came back a couple of weeks ago and transferred back to Stormrage! I am making a late push for KSM and was wondering if you guys wanted to add another tank to the guild?

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Sure hit me up

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Happy weekend!! Still looking :slight_smile:

Itā€™s Monday!! Recruiting for both teams :slight_smile:

Bump halfway through the week! :slight_smile:

AOTC achieved for Dark Star :slight_smile:

Recruiting for the new season and into Dragonflight, reach out to me Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Taking applications for Season 4 and Dragonflight

Total Eclipse (11/11H AOTC 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
(Spots open for 2 tanks, dps, and heals)

Dark Star (11/11N 11/11H AOTC)
Wed/Fri 8-11 EST
(Limited spots available at the current time)

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

Now taking applications for our Total Eclipse teamā€¦

Total Eclipse (11/11H AOTC 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Fire Mage, Demo Lock, Enhancement and Ellie shammie

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

We are still recruiting!

Total Eclipse (11/11N 11/11H 2/11M)
Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST
Needs: Fire Mage, Enhancement Shaman, healer with dps off spec

Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776

weekend bump!

Good morningā€¦bumping come check us out!