[A][H]<Challengers Burden> 5/9H Recruiting

[A] [US] Stormrage 9/9N 5/9H Aberrus

Raid Times – Tues / Thurs 8-11 EST

AOTC Focused – Mythic Lite (starting 10.1)

Primary Needs: Tank, DPS

Who are we?

Hey everyone! We’re a group of ex-mythic raiders that prefer to just take more casual approach to the game now. We like to try to keep it light and joke around during farm or in between bosses, but like to focus up when its game time. We’re mostly made up of people in their late 20s to late 30s, some into their 40s.

What do we do?

We’re an AOTC focused raiding guild that will do mythic when possible and we have the numbers on, but isn’t prioritizing it or cutting edge. We’d also like people that are willing to or already run M+. Our main focus is raiding but mythic + is just necessary in the game these days to keep up.

What are we looking for?

We’re looking for DPS and Tanks! We mainly need ranged DPS but any would be considered and we are currently looking for tanks for raid and mythic+.

We expect everyone to constantly strive to be better. That means staying up to date with class changes, knowing the optimal rotations and specs, checking logs of other players with better parses to see what kind of things they are doing that you are not. I realize that everyone is not going to be amazing right from the get go, we just ask that you are always trying to do better and improve your game. If everyone puts forth the effort, we can have a great time killing things and wiping less :slight_smile:

We like to see everyone at the raids, but we also understand that RL stuff happens, especially at most of our ages. As long as you let us know on discord that you can’t make it and don’t just ghost us for the night, we won’t mind that much.

Contact Info

Battletag : DeVanee#1347

Discord : SicilySiren#2143

In game char : Odettei

Healing Officer

Battletag : Tiberyon#1915

Discord : Tiberyon#4711

In game char : Vittorio


Battletag : Funafuti#11589

Discord : Funafuti#5341

In game char : Rumtaz
