<A>/<H> Weekenders Raiding recruiting for Mythic+ KSMs and Raiders!

Sure do! Also looking for folks who would like to lead or create a team. Our Guild suffers from this same “affliction” (Raid logging) so the Community really helps out because not everyone wants to raid.
Many, many team exist right now and they mostly need dps. We would support you as a tank by helping you find an appropriate healer for your team and then create events accordingly. At this point in the season, most teams are matched with tanks/heals. IMO, this is a great time to start a new team! Come join us! Follow the link above, please!

We’re 7/9 Heroic and looking to finish this Tier up! There’s space for heals and dps as long as you can hang with the demands of these final 2 bosses! Check us out!

It’s a good time to join our raid team! Now, before Fated Raids hit and the next expansion hits, is a great time to cement your spot and raid with the Weekenders! Come check us out!

We’re ready for Season 4 and can always use more KSMs or people who would like to hit KSM this final Season of the XPac! Check us out soon, our community has almost hit the 1000 member cap!

Can’t edit my OP, so just wanna let you know we’re ready for Season 4! C’mon KSMs and Awakened Raiders! Come get your mounts and xmogs with us!