<A>/<H> Weekenders Raiding recruiting for Mythic+ KSMs and Raiders!

9/9 Normal and 1/9 Heroic. Almost got Amalgamations down…come join us for fun and kills!

Our expanded Mythic+ nights on Mondays and Thursdays 8p EDT are a hit! Speaking of hits, 4/9 Heroic Aberrus!

We are over 800 members strong! I’ve seen posts about potential partnerships and such, I’m open to discussing ways to expand our raid days with other guilds/communities providing leadership for the days. As they say, the devil is in the details, so there needs to be something in it for us as well! We will grant you access to hundreds of potential members and players. The details would include you agreeing to some basic “code of conduct” policies consistent with our community. This process, of course would be as flexible as possible, but you would also gain moderation status within the Community, so we would expect you to uphold our overall Community principles. Feel free to add me to BNet to discuss this, CheLives#1291 or HMU on Discord as CheLives on the Weekenders Raiding Community channel.

5/9 Heroic and ready to finalize this team and hit AotC soon! Don’t miss out, join now!

Mythic+ groups have expanded and include 2 more days! There’s room for more and we can use more tanks to fill out all our groups!

No need to keep pugging! Group up consistently with nice people who actually enjoy the game and playing with others. There’s room for more positive people now!

We’re getting there! 7/9 Heroic now and likely gonna hit our AotC’s soon! Join us for the fun! Stay for the awesome Community!

We have added XMog and Mount Chasing runs on a weekly basis now! Come check us out and add to your ever-growing collection!

Wow! 8/9 Heroic so maybe AotC this weekend?!? Of course!

If you’re not “_____ of the Infinite” yet, come join one of our groups and get it! Have fun all!

So much stuff to do! DotI Weekly groups, XMog/Mount chasing groups, Mythic+ Groups of various skills levels all thru the week, and Fri/Sat/Sun raiding too! Come join the fun!

Unlike many other Communities and Guilds, Weekenders will continue farming Heroic Aberrus till 10.2 hits! If you’re in need AotC and are looking for a place to learn and prepare for the next raid, join us! We have spots on the raid team open for those willing to earn them. We are not offering “carries” but are offering opportunities for players to join a successful, mature, and fun team to play with. And, we’re serious about running Mythic+ Keys, at every level too! Check us out, there’s still plenty of things to accomplish!

We’re just about done completing the first wave of Glory of the Aberrus Raider achievements! We will restart a fresh Glory run soon! Come join us for the fun!

Are you an aspiring Mythic raider? We are too! Come try out some Mythic bosses with us in ATSC and get those kills…cause you can!

Now that 10.2’s release date has been announced, NOW is the time to get in and earn yourself a spot on our raid team!

Make some new friends and join or create your own Mythic+ team with the support of our large (nearly 1000) Community!

Smash that “Join” button and come have some fun! :laughing:

10.2 is here! Great time to join us before Season 3 starts!

Season 3 is upon us! Raid and run dungeons with us! We’re having fun, getting kills, and seeing it all!

9/9 Normal AtDH. Starting Heroic clearing next weekend! Come join us!

2/9 Heroic AtDH! Join us and get your AotC!

5/9 Heroic! LF Healers to keep us at 25 raiders!

6/9 Heroic and ready to wrap up this AotC! Come join us!

470 arms/prot warrior looking for a place to run 10-15s at a casual pace. The guild I’m in raid logs lol just wanted to see if you still had any spots for key runners?