<A>/<H> Weekenders Raiding recruiting for Mythic+ KSMs and Raiders!

We’re busy like crazy! Come join us and have some fun!

You got room for a tank on your weekend team?

If you’ve got time for a firm commitment, then we should talk! There’s nothing worse than spending time developing tanking chemistry with someone then having them leave.
I currently have a tanking partner that has been working with me for over a year. Asking them to switch back to dps would require some convincing on our part. A tryout would be something to consider, for sure!

Please add my BNet (listed in the OP) and let’s set up a time to talk.

Sent and pending.

Awesome! I’m on the West Coast, so I’m just logging in now (845a) to get things started. TTYL!

Joined the community last night and ran some M0s. Great fun and great bunch of people.
Looking forward to the raid this weekend.

Thanks Râmkin! Welcome to our Community and hope you continue to have fun with us!

We’re 3/8 Normal Vault already! Come join us for some weekend fun!

Mythic+ teams are really taking off! If you’re LF a KSM team, and a Community, check us out!

If you like mixing it up, doing M+ casually, we have that covered too!

All that and Weekend Raiding too! Come check us out!

Does your community need a raid leader for any of its raid groups?

Not at this time, but TY for the offer!

If you need a Weekend raid and want to /w us advice from time to time, many of our Community members do that!

Just realize, we’re going to do it the Weekenders Way since we know our group pretty well by now; it’s strengths and limitations especially :slight_smile:

Good luck, have fun!

This is a good time to check out our Community! Our Mythic+ teams are forming and jelling as new teammates get to know each other. There’s room now but the spots won’t last! If you are a tank/healer team in Mythic+, we have dps to help fill your team!

Raid spots are almost filled. There’s only space for consistent attenders that bring solid dps. If you get in now and earn your spot, we will raid consistently and have fun along the way.

There’s always room for the Casual player! I you need a little help here and there getting this done, we feature a large and active group of helpful folks. Check us out!

I’m interested! I’ve spent several years of being a GM and AOTC/Mythic raid leader. My primary focus now is Rated PvP, and I’d like to find a once a week, casual group to raid with my friends, and just hang out. Your Friday night group sounds right up our alley. I have a MW Monk at 70, but I’ve benched him as they aren’t too hot in PvP right now. This guy is sitting at 62 currently, and I plan on hitting 70 this weekend.

Hey Prunejuice! Well, just click the link above ^ and please direct your friends to join also. There’s no application process, no requirements. If you want raid and do dungeons with us, just meet the posted (for the event) item level requirements and you’re in!

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We’re 4/8 Normal now and the Weekend is just starting! Come join the fun!

Another Weekend and more bosses dead! 7/8 Normal now.

We’re starting Heroic bosses on Sunday and working on Raz on Saturdays! Come join us!

We’re 1/8 Heroic now and having more fun than ever! Come check us out!

I sent you a friend invite.

Thanks! I’ve added you!

Hi all! We’re still at it! 3/8 Heroic VotI now! Looking for strong players to help us get to AotC!