<A>/<H> Weekenders Raiding recruiting for Mythic+ KSMs and Raiders!

Do y’all have a discord? With the game down for the reset I can’t join the community at the moment but I hope to with my main (it’s showing one of my alts for some reason) once the game is back up. :slight_smile:

Hi Beo! Yes, we have a Discord and all that. I’m sure you’re in the Community by now so…Welcome! I’ll check in with ya in game :+1:t4:

Hi there, I am super interested in your community for me and my girlfriend. We were AOTC raiders in the Eternal Palace and Nyalotha, but we both took a very long break for Shadowlands and we are just coming back to the game.

Currently we’ve just been focusing on m+. We’re both in the mid 280~ ilvls, 4 set piece, and 1600 rating. We both play druids, I swap between tank and ranged dps, she heals.

Right now our goals is to get KSM, and to get our feet wet back into the raiding scene. The Friday Fun Raids has been the best thing we’ve come across yet for that. 1 night a week raiding seems fun to us until Dragonflight. I read that the Friday raid is determined by members for that night, but does the community usually do Fated Normals on Fridays still, or have you all moved into heroic?

Hi Ashaszun! All your plans sound like a good fit for Community, KSM activity and raiding is what we do, so I hope the link above worked for you all and you’re already in Community!

Friday Fun raid has been Normal and likely will stay that way. We are “mopping up” the missing bosses for members that are after their Fates of the SL meta-achievement. With the Fated affixes, after Anduin, it can still get challenging…even in Normal.

Heroic raiding will remain on the Saturday/Sunday afternoon schedule till DF releases. Would like to get the mount from Heroic Jailer (non-Fated) so we are highly motivated to finish up the Fated bosses that people need and hone in on that achievement. Most raiders are about 285 item level now so, for Heroic non-Fated bosses, we should be able to struggle less and win more :slight_smile:

We look forward to haivng you with us in all our activities!

Thanks for the reply, yes I have now joined the in game community and see the events on the calendar. Do you just organize through the in game community, or do you have a discord server?

Good things happen here.

@ Ashaszun: We got on you on Discord Ash and I think everything is straight. Thanks for joining and making a contribution to our team right away!

@ Juggÿ: Thanks and welcome to Community! We had some good runs Friday and Saturday! Sunday maybe we can clear CN Heroic!

We’re over 500 members strong now and well balanced between Horde and Alliance!

Come find fun people to play with, who enjoy the game, and keep it positive! Are you ready for the Weekend(ers)?!

Hello, I just joined with my main and some of my alts, this looks like a great community, and the weekends’ times works just fine for me (except for today lol) but I’m looking forward to join you tomorrow and so on :slight_smile:

Welcome to Weekenders Raiding!



Hi Chelives! This guild sounds awesome! I play resto and ele shaman. Is there room in yohr guild for me? Do you guys do heroic and / or normal? Im down for both. Above is my battle.net. Do you guys have a discord?

Hi there! This is a Community and it IS Cross Faction. Just click the link(s) above you will be instantly approved! If you would like to join our guild, we can talk about that in game! Thanks!

We have completed our Jello Kitty farming and are moving onto the "Glory of the… " achievements for the 3 raids in Shadowlands. If you’re LF some mounts, now is the time to join!

We are also dedicating Sundays to Heroic, Non-Fated SoFO clearing for the mount! Join us if you’re interested!

Glory of the Sepulcher Raider is complete for us! We’re onto the next two raids! Come join us for some achievement fun as we prepare for Dragonflight!

We’ve completed ALL the Glories!
-Glory of the Dominant Raider: Check!
-Glory of the Nathria Raider: Check!
-Glory of the Sepulcher Raider: Check!

Come join us for all the PrePatch fun! Make new friends and see the world in a whole new Dragon-fleshed light!

November 15th the next big portion of the PrePatch drops! Don’t go out into this brave new world alone! Join us and have some fun seeing all the new things!

Weekenders Raiding Community is ready to rock and welcoming you! New, returning, or somewhere in between, you’ll find a happy home here! Check us out!

Giving thanks to all our awesome Community members!

Come join a positive, motivated, and friendly group to get things done with! Everyone’s welcome!

The first Weekend of DF and you’re not with us!?! Come join the fun!