[A/H] <Tidal> 4/8M Wed/Sun 8-10:30pm AWST/GMT +8

Are you ready to ride the wave with Tidal? :ocean: We’re a tight-knit cross-faction guild based out of Frostmourne, looking to dive into Mythic progression this tier and aim for Cutting Edge!

About Us

Tidal was formed by a group of experienced and like-minded players who value a balance of fun and focus. We’re driven to succeed, but we believe in achieving that success in a collaborative and drama-free environment. Our raid nights are a mix of competitiveness and pub night banter, ensuring everyone can enjoy the grind to greatness.

Raid Schedule

  • Wednesdays: 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM AWST (Perth/GMT8)
  • Sundays: 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM AWST (Perth/GMT8)

What We’re Looking For

We’re currently seeking dedicated raiders to strengthen our core team as we step into Mythic content. If you’re passionate about progression and eager to work towards Cutting Edge, we want to hear from you!

High Priority Needs: DH and Range DPS

What We Offer

  • A focused and supportive environment aimed at achieving Cutting Edge.
  • Consistent raid nights with minimal downtime.
  • A community of players who enjoy all aspects of WoW, including M+ and casual content.
  • Open communication and transparency in all guild matters.

What We Expect

  • Consistent attendance and preparation for raids.
  • A good attitude and willingness to learn and adapt.
  • Commitment to working as part of a team, putting guild goals above individual glory.
  • Strong knowledge of your class/spec and a drive to improve.

If you would like more information or to chat, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Discord: Killchain
Battlenet: Killchain#11733

Discord: Kzatv
Battlenet: Kza#11556

Still recruiting over Christmas break as we creep closer to 11.1 Ranged DPS where you at! :slight_smile:

Bump, currently recruiting all roles as we start to form our roster for next season.

Hi Kzaxx, would love to join your guild as I am GMT+8 and the raid times are perfect.
Meuto - Character
I can heal or DPS with a preference to healing. I have sent you a Battle.net friend request to join and chat. Cheers!

I am interested!

BUMP, getting active again in the lead up to season 2

Mage would be lovely, they always meta in M+ too =P

BUMP, looking for DPS and Tanks. Come have some fun with us in season 2!

1x Tank and DPS lets see if we are good fit and reach out! 11.1 Announce soon™

BUMP, chasing a DH, Ranged DPS and exceptional players in other roles.

Looking for Tank and Hpal OR Mistweaver OR Pres evoker.

We dont bite… much

Final stages to round out, looking for ENHANCE shaman and or HPALd

Still seeking DPS Shaman or Hpally!

UPDATE: Looking for Healing Priest and Enhance Shaman