Another week begins! We knocked out an 11 this week, our highest key yet, another with a 9 & 10! Looking forward to the new patch content in a couple of weeks as well. A whole new season of suffering, I mean, grinding for gear and dungeon fun ahead!
As always, still looking for folks to join us for RP, or PvE, or both! Would love to fill out our group a bit. See you all in Azeroth!
Hey all! In big updates, we’re looking to expand to become a cross faction guild when the new patch is released! If any folks who play Horde side now are interested in checking us out, feel free to join our Discord, or our WoW Community Chat, if you’d like to get to know us a bit better prior to the patch! We’d be happy to run stuff with y’all prior to the patch going live. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Thanks and see everyone in Azeroth!
Hey all! April just flew by! We’re doing one last round of Mythics this weekend before Season 2 starts and eagerly awaiting the introduction of cross faction guilds on Tuesday.
We’re looking forward to hopefully making some new friends with the introduction of this new feature.
Thanks all and see you in Azeroth!
Quick out-of-cycle update, cross-faction is live! We successfully added some Horde alts yesterday and we’re hoping to welcome some new faces with the change!
We’re still working on the most efficient way to get Horde players added given the requirement of being a friend, or part of a community , with the people in the other faction. For now, we’ve decided on the following:
Join our Discord (see link in the main post!);
From there we’ll direct you to our community;
Once a member of the community, we’ll add your character to the guild!
Thanks and see everyone in Azeroth!
Hey all! Hope everyone has been enjoying the new patch! We’re excited to start Dragonflight Season 2 and work on a new set of Mythics for loot and profit. Hoping to snag some new friends to join us!
Hope everyone is enjoy the latest content! We had a solid week, got a couple new faces in the guild, knocked out a Mythic or two. Hoping the Great Vault us kind to us, and you, this week!
Hey all! We were plugging away at RP and gear this week, as always. Added some MORE new faces to the guild and couldn’t be happier about it. Always looking for more to join the fun though!
See everyone in Azeroth!
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Hey folks! We’ve been adding some new faces and steadily plugging away at the Diablo event and working on Mythics. Hope everyone has a good week!
Happy Wednesday all! We’re a bit closer to the weekend which means more WoW for all hopefully. We knocked out a few Mythics last Sunday with our newcomers and managed to snag a few upgrades from the vault this week. Still looking for more to join in the fun! Hit us up if there are questions. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
See everyone in Azeroth!
Happy Tuesday all! We had another solid week, adding new folks, knocking out a few keys–fun times all around! This week we’re excited for the return of the Creation Catalyst. Be nice to get some tier pieces!
We’re still looking to get more people for RP and Mythics! Any role will do. We’ll figure out how to fit you in. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
I see that my Forums name hasn’t updated yet…
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Haha. Yeah, it took mine awhile to update as well. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Hey all! Another week down! We’re stoked for the new megadungeon and hoping to get some attempts in when it launches. We’ve got a few new faces hanging around still and, as always, looking for more. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Take care and see everyone in Azeroth!
Happy Friday! Hope everyone is enjoying the new Time Rifts and megadungeon! We’re gearing up to give it a go ourselves here soon. Still looking for folks to join the fun, especially healers! ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Hey all! Hope everyone is enjoying the new content. Time Rifts were a bit of a struggle–kept getting booted out and being unable to finish–but we seem to have hit our groove. Hoping to get some fun transmogs!
Hope everyone is well!
Happy Saturday all! Things are still rolling along here as we work on Mythic + and explore the Dragon Isles in RP. A couple of us may try to be at the Cross-Faction Guild Faire tonight (6pm server) that the Wyrmwrest Community Project is putting on. Come say hi if you can!
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Hey all! Another week in Season 2 Dragonflight. We’re still gearing up to try the Mechadungeon, but having fun in the process. Still looking for folks to join us, an extra healer and tank would nice, but not required. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Still plugging along through Season 2! RP has been heating up with some misadventures in the Dragon Isles and the return of antagonists thought gone. Always looking for more to join us. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Hey all! We’re excited and getting ready for the new patch drop. Definitely looking for more folks to join us for season 3 and some more RP! Reach out with questions or drop by the Discord!