Ah, the good old days!

Back when Blizz actually put in enough effort that I could make an alt on the opposite faction and get to see different questlines, towns, NPC’s, storylines, ect …

Will this ever be a thing again? I hope so.

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We are all just one great big happy family now and going to spend the rest of WoW’s life following around Alliance NPCs and doing their bidding :grin: .

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And making us do all the work before they step in to do their big protag moment and take all the credit.

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Are you describing our characters in game, or us players doing the beta testing ourselves (and paying for the privilege?)

Both?..both is good.

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We’ll stick with both.:grin:

I do miss having different quests on each faction. It gave me an incentive to play Horde more. The stories haven’t been good enough lately for me to even want to repeat them on my Alliance alts.

Felt. I do enjoy my alliance characters but the only one I’ve really played much after they stopped doing faction quests is my NE DH to get the NE stuff (and she doesn’t even get any flavor text of being a DH lol).

I know I can get the man’ari skin unlock on any character but I want to save that for my draenei.

I’m happy to repeat over and over, I’ve already ‘seen the movie’ so I don’t need pay attn to the plot again. I can always find something new and interesting to pop out. Or I’m just feeling the level grind and plow through it focusing more on the gameplay. But it was always nice to have a “fresh start” mid xpac with something different. It kept me incentivized to play long after the shiny new game lost it’s luster.

That’s a good way to look at it :slightly_smiling_face: I just get bored if I do it back to back right away. If I wait it’s not so bad. I think it’s because I like leveling up by questing so it can get repetitive very quickly.

I guess it’s more like there’s nothing that really stands out and makes me want to do it again. There are some things in older content that I always do on alts, like Panda farm and Tillers, or often go look for, like The Day Deathwing came. Haven’t found anything comparable that appeals to me in more recent expansions.

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