A/H <The Collective> Barthilas – Recruiting S2 (18+) - DPS/Healer OS

The Collective is an inclusive community with a focus on making the player experience fun.
Discover the experience of a well-run organisation that values commitment and dedication to the community. At The Collective, our focus is on supporting and empowering members, to ensure that you thrive in our community. Whether you are a raider, PvPer or only in it for M+, we only ask that you show up and enjoy what the game and our community has to offer.

Raiding positions available

The Collective is recruiting for our 2 raiding teams!
Our raid teams are both focused on achieving AOTC and dabling into mythic.
Both teams achieved 4/8M Nerubar and will be looking to do the same in S2.

Raiding Teams

Team 1 (Wed/Mon 8-10:30pm) - 2 DPS positions (1 with healer OS)

Team 2 (Thurs/Sun 8-10:30pm) - DPS positions (DK and mage prioritory)

If you are interested in applying or would like some more info, please reach out via discord (cynters)