Does anyone know if the cancelling limitation put in place when TWW launched is account wide or per character?
If it’s per character that seems like a big loophole for the AH.
Does anyone know if the cancelling limitation put in place when TWW launched is account wide or per character?
If it’s per character that seems like a big loophole for the AH.
the what
Yea my original post can’t be any clearer. If you don’t understand then this thread is not for you.
… the what
Are you referring to this?
If not, you’re gonna have to link to the change you’re talking about.
Back when TWW launched everyone was going nuclear over the AH cause bots were wrecking it with cancel scanning WAY too much. So they put a throttle on cancelling. Which is somewhere around 60 per min then drops to 1 per 4 seconds or so. I just want to know if the throttle is per character or account-wide.
Maybe temporarily due to AH performance issues? All I could find was mentions of hardware and long term fixes to make better AH response times, not permanent changes.
There is also a separate forum for API call questions, it’s not in the wow forum though, but through battlenet.
Just an FYI the throttling is still in game. You can test it yourself by trying to cancel 100 auctions nonstop with TSM or auctionator. I’m not complaining about the throttling, it just seems weird for it to be per character and not account wide.
I mean how would you even do that on more than one character anyway? You can only be logged into one character on an account at once. If you have more WoW accounts, then that’s a different WoW account anyway so the throttle wouldn’t matter if it was per character or account.
The throttle on the main char is a lot longer than just swapping and starting the timer over on another ah mule.
Maybe it’s a limitation to stop people using multiple toons at same time on one account doing the same sorta thing. To stop unscrupulous people gaming the systems to make more gold.
When it comes to exploitation mitigating systems like this, there’s a 99% chance it’s at the per account level and it wouldn’t surprise me if it were at the Battlenet account level(includes all attached licenses to throttle multiboxers).
I really don’t think Blizzard would magically be oblivious to such an obvious loophole, but I suppose it wouldn’t be the first, nor the last time.