Ah, Sylvanas! So young, so naïve, so full of hope!

You misunderstood me. I actually said “what you’re saying isn’t wrong”

So you’re the vice versa, which I can totally understand.

You know who you’re chatting with right? Not trying to say that in a negative way at all.

I was discussing soul manipulation way way way back. I remember particularly brining it up during the countless Lordaeron belong to the Forsaken threads, I would bring it up as a reason why I hated the Alliance, because they didn’t help to identify the soul manipulation. This goes way back to the Forsaken-Alliance first contact debates; like this is bread and butter DiF.

You look up soul manipulation in the the Chronicles and you see my face.


Nothing you just said changes what I just said.

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No, I’ve been immersed. It’s literally what I post about 90% of the time.

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Technically, they’ve always had some sort of soul manipulation going on due to the fact that they were imperfectly attached to their bodies. But I don’t know if the soul split is supposed to actually represent that, or just be its own thing for Sylvanas on top of what the average forsaken already struggles with. If she really does start to act like a discolored human afterward, I think that’s going to suck.


Like Smallioz is saying there are various type of necromancy. Don’t think yourself into a stupor trying to figure them all out. There are more questions than answers : )

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Everyone is just chemicals. Plus “Undead are changed mentally by being undead” is something we’ve known to be true for a while now anyway. Regardless of whether you like it or not it’s hardly new.

Also 99.9% of Forsaken weren’t killed by a Mourneblade to begin with, so it doesn’t really matter and would not effect them.


IIRC the soul split thing is only for those specifically killed by Frostmourne, which would be relatively few given the nature of scourge warfare .

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Everyone is just chemicals.

No. The whole is greater than the sum total of the parts. Unless you think that your computer is just electronic parts, people are not just chemicals. Someone who just died has the same chemicals in them as they did the moment before death. But a dead body is not the same thing as a living person.

Clearly you’ve never met any spurned people pushed to do bad things.

Humans are capable of a lot.