[A][H] <Superiority Complex> 2 Day AOTC+ Tues/Wed 8-11pm ET

Superiority Complex is looking for additional raiders to round out or roster. We are currently 8/9H with P3 pulls on H Sarkareth on our first night there. We have a fun yet competitive group with an eye towards completing heroic soon and moving into mythic. We have an active guild with members pushing keys at levels from +10 to +20 and beyond.

We are currently recruiting players for the following roles:
Tank - Paladin
Healer - Shaman/Evoker
DPS - Hunter (we’re currently DE’ing basically all of the mail gear and the bow that drops nonstop), Evoker

If you are not one of the above roles but are interested in potentially joining on another class/role, please feel free to reach out to discuss.

If you are interested in joining, please message one of the following on discord: Fezzah#6412, TrueEye#8214, or Sorfarion#6779

Superiority Complex (US - Stormrage) | Warcraft Logs

‹Superiority Complex› @ Stormrage (US) - Guild Profile (raider.io)

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Bump. Need a tank and a Resto shaman ASAP for mythic progression.