[A/H] | [Saurfang] | [Hard Like Heroic] | AOTC Prog | Friendly Community| Recruiting All for TWW and Beyond!

[Hard Like Heroic] is more than just a guild—it’s a family of like-minded adventurers seeking community, growth, and fun in our journey through World of Warcraft.

We pride ourselves on a low-stress environment where players of all levels can thrive. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out, there’s a place for you here. Our founders, Fendred and Rawr, envisioned a guild where friendship and teamwork are valued above all else. We believe in supporting each other’s growth and celebrating our collective achievements.

If you’re tired of the toxic environments and elitism found in many performance-driven guilds, you’ve come to the right place.
Join us as we strive to complete every challenge the game has to offer.
Together, we hope to forge unforgettable memories and build lasting friendships.
Adventure awaits—let’s make it legendary!

  • Raiding Thurs/Sun 9pm-11pm AEST

~ AOTC Progression without the stress, drama, or elitism found in some performance-driven guilds
~ Relaxed and Fun raiding environment welcoming of any skill level.
~ We believe in learning and practicing the fights as a team, with quick pulls, blameless wipes, and effective raid leadership.
~ Fully Flexible Roster; sign up as you are available
~ Seeking range dps in particular, as well as additional offspec healers and tanks.

  • Guild Perks

~ Friendly and helpful community of players
~ Active Discord Server set up with channels for all the usual WoW stuff, extensive info channels, as well as social and off topic chat.
~ Generous Guild Bank perks and repairs for Everyone.
~ Access to most r5 crafts through Guild Crafting Orders

  • Collector or Achievement Hunter? You’re in good company!

~ Like Minded Players
~ Many resources available, including Discord channels, long-term player knowledge and experience

  • Long Term Stability

~ Although we only decided to become a real guild and start recruiting this year, we originally formed in 2008 and have had the same leader ever since. We’re not going anywhere.
~ Don’t log in after a break or vacation to find your guild dissolved
~ Form lasting friendships
~ Find yourself a real Home in WoW

Ready to join? Send me a request!

Btag: Rawr#12700
Discord: rawr5851


10/10 hands down one of my favourite guilds; although I’ve only been in it for a short time, I actually have friends that play other games as well… Definitely recommend if you want a great experience in WoW, and beyond!

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bump and bump

:disguised_face: 10/10 , 5* all of the praises! Best guild, if you aren’t a part of it, you’re missing out :disguised_face:

Yo I’m a returning player just looking to game with good vibes and this guild sounds great for that :slight_smile: I’ve send off requests hope to hear from yous soon :slight_smile:

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We want you and you and you too!
Come join our growing community!

Hey I’m very interesting joining!

I’m on Frostmourne so idk if that would be an issue
Sent an add on disc but feel free to add me on bnet Zedren#11615 :slight_smile:

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Did you know that we’re working on becoming a guild that is around for many expansions to come?
I mean, the guild has been around since 2008 :stuck_out_tongue:

Send a request, if you’ve made it to the comments, then you might as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Come join our ranks :smiley:

/bump we got AOTC too… some more tanks and heals etc would be a nice addition so come join us for the fun!

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Taking a lil break over the holidays but we are still actively recruiting for 2025 and beyond!
Looking for Social Players, M+ players, Raiders, Delvers, Collectors of anything WoW and anyone else playing WoW.

Building a community to last through the expansions!
Rawr#12700 - Bnet
rawr5851 - Discord

If you’re in here reading our post, we’re the right guild for you!

Tanks needed for Heroic Raiding please!

Hi there,

Little group of us looking for a guild. I’ve got raising experience from Burning Crusade and before, returning player. Feral Druid and Holy Paly. Enjoy PVP on the Druid, and PVE on both. Still do try and maintain full Conquest / world PVP gear on my Paly too. Haven’t done Mythics on either but would like to raid / mythic.

My brother is an arms war. All e toons about item level 610. He’s got a priest getting close to that too. We’re social adult players (I’m 42).

Kicker is my son is playing, a ret Paly, and as a 9 year old we’d like to find a guild that is safe and encouraging for younger players and who might carry him for a basic dungeon run here and there.

Of interest to you guys?

Let me know. He’ve just moved over to Saurfang as we rolled on a US server my toons were on back in TBC.

Theo (Horeath - classic toon/ OlderHoreath / Palyentology in game)

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Hi, I’d very much like to join, I’m currently a Ret Pally main but I’m wanting to branch into healing. I’ve not had much raiding experience since BC, and I’m really keen to learn mythic+ and heroic/mythic raiding. The way you described the guild culture seems to be exactly the type of guild I’m looking for. If you’ll have me my BTag is TrashPanda#12255

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Hey all!
New year, same us!

Still here, filling our ever growing community! So come join us :smiley:

Come bring your social selves to join our awesome growing community ! Settle down, have a cuppa, join the VC so they don’t look like such lonely channels xD
All welcome, bring a chill vibe and you’ll fit right in.

LFM Healers and DPS for AOTC Friendly raiding.


Now i’ve made you read this by boosting our recruit post, add me on BNET Rawr#12700 or Discord rawr5851 and join our guild/community!