AH Ruined after changes!

Oh no! I can’t post hundreds or thousands of items all at once with a single press of a button! Now it’s gonna take me slightly longer to post my hundreds or thousands of items!

Blizzard has gone too far this time :sob:

(Get a grip lol)


Guys with 2nd accounts scanning ah all day with addons and cancelling reslisting every 30 seconds if it detects a new post/undercut ruining the AH for us, the average person who doesnt spend all their day in AH with a 2nd account is quite a serious problem.

And sorry I ll keep advocating for strong rpg elements, make a real choice when it comes to covenants, you dont deserve to have everything.

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RPG Stands for Role Playing, which historically has had a huge emphasis on story. I’d like to choose my covenant based on the lore or story.

We’ve been through this Ralphe.

“I have no idea what an RPG is and I only know rpgs from ultra casualized and mass popular rpg games that have weak rpg elements because some babies are too lazy to build a character”
Got it.

This is the extent of the arguments of people against breaking apart covenants and their abilities


Imagine getting decimated by someone who is also against breaking them up who admitted he just wants to spite mythic raiders. yikes!