(A/H RP) Walkup Wednesdays

Let’s make walkup Wednesdays a thing on WrA/MG/ED.

Every Wednesday, spend a little more energy initiating walkup RP or responding to walkup RP.

Post your experiences on this thread. Have fun!


ED already has something like that in Tap Takeover, a weekly gathering at the most popular pubs in Azeroth. Tuesday nights at 8 the Horde gathers at the Wyvern’s Tail in Orgrimmar, and Wednesdays at 9 the Alliance gathers at the Blue Recluse in Stormwind. The atmosphere is very laid back and casual, and is a great place for new players/characters to get into RP.

The Blackhearts (Vigilante Nocturno) have been skulking around the Trade District and Boralus. We have been extorting pickpockets, looking for talented aspiring assassins to join us, and subtly soliciting clients who need a “problem” taken care of.

During the walk up the mark will usually receive a black rose or fortune card from one of our agents. Good interactions so far