To those who keep listing things that would be beneficial for the community as a whole at ridiculous pricing on the AH?
Why? Are you hoping for a quick pay day? I keep seeing the fisherfriend as a work order but don’t have the drop. I check the AH, and see it listed for 300K+
Could I easily buy that? Absolutely. Would I then require people to tip me to recoup that? You better believe it.
Pretty sure no one will read this that matters but can we just stop being ridiculous with the price gouging?
Isn’t the AH region-wide now? So people posting items are from multiple servers, or did they not go ahead with that?
“Commodities” are region-wide, like gems, herbs, consumables. I’m also annoyed at the prices on some things to the point where I’m considering server transferring just to get them at reasonable prices - mostly LW-related patterns like the Crimson Combatant items. I only want them for the knowledge points but I’d certainly craft them for anyone who wanted them.
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Still listed for ridiculous pricing, and enchants are even worse.
Makes me wish ER wasn’t dead.
Picked it up, can send me personal orders if you would like for it. But it wasn’t cheap.
The old good days where you could buy an entire section of the market.