[A/H] <Jinnys> 8/8 Heroic, 4/8 Mythic. Prog guild looking for Healers

Jinnys is an experienced guild group looking to fill out our core roster for The War Within!

We have a heavy focus on wanting to clear Heroic and get to early Mythic. A lot of our members play M+ throughout the week outside of raid times pushing keys. We welcome any class and spec, even flavor of the month players :stuck_out_tongue:

We raid Wednesday and Sunday 7:30 - 10:30 server time. (Might stay on later if we are that close to finishing a boss) We start clearing raid @ 7:30 so please look to be on at least 5 mins before <3

The raid team will have set expectations for gear, consumables, mechanics and attendance. Of course we are aware that life comes up and will just expect to be given a heads up if anything does arise. We don’t mind people needing to be away from the game, just let us know :slight_smile:

We are looking for more returning/ experienced players but definitely will accept newer players too.

Everyone will go on a 2 week trial for the guild, no raid/roster spots are guaranteed until that trial is over.

My Discord is Pikeeyy#3254

Battlenet: Pikeeyy#6174

If you are interested in joining please feel free to message me on either! I am also available for any questions you might have!


Looking for like minded exceptional players to join our core mythic prog team.

We’re currently in need of DPS and skilled healers.
Raid nights 2 days a week. Wednes/Sunday 7:30-10:30PM

Healer interest: HPal/Pres Evoker. Open to others.

Expectations: Know your rotation, have an accurate understanding before boss encounters and always how up to raid nights.


Looking for like minded exceptional players to join our core mythic prog team.

We’re currently in need of DPS and skilled healers.
Raid nights 2 days a week. Wednesday/Sunday 7:30-10:30PM server time.

Expectations: Know your rotation, have an accurate understanding before boss encounters and always how up to raid nights.


Looking for chill like minded players.

We are looking for DPS And potentially a healer

Raid nights 2 days a week. Wednesday/Sunday 7:30-10:30PM server time!