[A/H] <Insecure> OCE AOTC / M+ Guild recruiting for TWW

Insecure is an AOTC / M+ focused guild that is formed from a core group that enjoys fun and playful banter while playing games together. Our guild is focused on having a good time while also progressing at a good pace. We get AOTC every tier fairly quickly and set up alt nights / achievement runs.

Our raid schedule is Wed/Thurs 8pm – 10:30pm AEST (Stays AEST during daylight savings)
We are currently recruiting DPS for our raid team. Mage and Priest would be great but also welcome applicants for other roles.

We expect our raiders to be punctual to raid and to come prepared with consumables (potion cauldron and feasts provided) with a good attitude and ready for a good time.

Outside of raid we also enjoy m+ and even play other games outside of WoW together.

If Insecure sounds like its for you then reach out to me on Bnet Wartiant#1846 or Discord wartiant

Insecure is recruiting Range DPS for our core AoTC team.

Is there a discord that I need to jump on to apply?

Hey, you can add me on discord. My name is wartiant.
I can then add you to the guild discord from there to see if we would be the right fit for you.

Perfect, done

Any tank spots open?