[A/H] <Greasy Pumpers> | AOTC | 2/8M | 2DAY | Wed/Sat 7-9:30PM EST | LF All

is a guild located on Stormrage with the intentions of getting a good 20-Man Raid team together to eventually push for CE come Season 2. ( We still Raid VOTI)

A bit of background for the guild, it was started about 2 months ago due to us originally forming on Kel-Thuzad and not having any luck recruiting members because to the size of the server. We then came to the realization that Stormrage had a far superior population in terms of active players, and so we transferred here. We got AOTC within the 6 weeks with a 10 man group with a few pugs and had an absolute blast try-harding just a little. We still wiped a few times from hilarious moments and jokes, so we aren’t a super try-hard guild, but rather Semi-Serious.

We’ve had a lot of members leave due to real life work changes and so we are forming a new Raid Roster for Season 2 and even for our current raid roster in VOTI. ( We still play with them just can’t Raid on our designated times)

Raid Times: Wed/Sat 7-9:30PM EST.

Requirements to join:

  • Have a basic understanding of boss encounters.
  • Make sure your gear is enchanted, and gem slots are bedazzled.
  • Come prepared to Raid with consumables and pots/elixirs. We have a shared guild bank that raiders can access if need be.
  • Discord is provided for all guild members. Discord is required during Raid Times only. Although we hangout in there together off Raid.
  • Be okay with getting feedback from our Raid members, we like to have open conversations about how we can improve. We don’t take criticism to heart. It’s important.
  • Have a good sense of humour, more often than not we joke a little too much in raid, but we all have great laughs and makes Raiding much more enjoyable for the whole team.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me on B-Net or Discord. We are an easy group to fit in with and everyone is very helpful.

[Discord is easier for me to reply on]

Guild Master: Kyesmer (B-net: Kyesmer#1546, Discord: Kyesmer#4464)