The guild is keen to start our Mythic journey; our roster is primarily mid-core players leaning to the casual side. The group is laid back with some pretty crude humour if you can take it.
Our current goal is to push for 4/8 and prog after that once everyone’s gear is 632+ and everyone’s finery buff is maxed out.
Guild has been AOTC for roughly a month.
Friday / Sunday
10:30-1:00 Server Time (East Coast)
7:30-10:00 (West Coast)
620 iLvl minimum.
Good Attitude.
Your own potions.
Press your buttons (with a keyboard ;))
Bonus: Give our raid leader as much sh*t as possible, especially over the mic
Flasks, food, etc are provided during raid times.
Recruiting (High Priority):
Shadow and/or Holy/Disc Priest
Enhance / Ele Shaman
Devestation Evoker
Havoc DH
Mid Priority (Any Combo):
Melee DPS / Off-spec Tank
Ranged DPS / Off-spec Healer
We are open to all roles except maybe the below, to fill out the 20-man roster, so feel free to shoot me a message if you don’t play the above also.
The team will also help with M+ crest farming to bump iLvls to assist with Raiding on non-raid nights, or post raid if you’re a night owl.
Drop a Reply below and/or contact:
Discord: MoONSHO7
Battletag: MoONSHO7#1787