[A/H] Frostmourne <Echoes of Valor> Casual AOTC raiding guild || Thurs + Sun 8:30pm to 10:30pm AEST

Hi there :smiling_face:

Echoes of Valor are currently looking for more members to fill the raid roster!

We’re fairly casual as many of us are busy parents - but we aim for AOTC each raid tier. We made AOTC all of DF!

:exclamation::exclamation: We are looking for DPS only - tanks and heals are all full :exclamation: :exclamation:

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: RAID INFO: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

~ Days: Thursday & Sunday
~ Time: 8:30pm to 10:30pm AEST (server time)
~ Raid style: Casual
~ Difficulty: Normal to start, then when comfortable, move on to heroic
~ Requirements: Only a willingness to work as a team and learn together! We don’t mind what your raid history is, if you’re new to the game, returning, younger or older.

~ Trial role: We trial new members for a few raid nights to ensure we’re a good fit for each other before any sort of commitment is made on either side - so feel free to try us out!

~ When are we starting: Due to many of us soon to be affected by severe weather, we won’t start raiding this first raid week. We’ll be looking at starting next Thursday (13/3)

We’re pretty chill and love to have a laugh and we don’t condone elitism or drama.

If you’re interested, please send me a message on bnet: Kalineth#1391 :grin:

Seeking both ranged and melee DPS, we also run mythic+ of all levels. Again we don’t condone elitism or drama, we are all here to help each other

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I can play a DH, Enhance sham or ret pally. I am interested in joining and raiding. My BT is Blood#1210

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Amazing! Sent you a message on bnet! :slight_smile:

Can we get a chance to connect and I am interested in joining the guild. My BT is Blood#1210. I can play ret pally, enhance sham and DH.