(A/H) CROSS-REALM <The Wooly Mammoth> Multi CE OCE Guild: RECRUITING for all content!

THE WOOLY MAMMOTH (OCE) Multi CE Guild: RECRUITING for all content!!!

Inclusive. Camaraderie. Member-centric. These are the words best used to describe the unique guild & community culture Wooly offers its members. We’ve established ourselves as a holistic & evergreen community across OCE, SEA, & NA West, and are looking to invite more people into our community to share our journey with us! Come along and experience the camaraderie of being a Mammoth!

Wooly has seen expansive growth in Dragonflight, with our goals of continual community outreach and member content continuing into The War Within. We promote team-based content through M+ (KSM, KSH, & seasonal Hero teams) and the continual success of our 13x raid teams. We also offer a myriad of social content in the form of collectible runs (mounts, transmog, & Dragonriding customizations), transmog competitions, Dragonriding events, scavenger hunts, bounties, geoguessing events, Timewalking raids, Warfronts, and social raids for our Wooly community members.

With Wooly being our main guild on Frostmourne, we’ve opened up our guild and community to cross-server members, who also have access to our sub/alt guilds on Frostmourne:

  • The World Mammoth; our main alt guild & MOP remix guild.
  • The Silverback Mammoth; our second alt guild.

Wooly promotes an enriching raid environment that aims to progressively work towards achieving a better performance quality for each tier within our teams within a progressive timeframe.

Our Mythic & Cutting Edge raiding history:

  • Tier 31: AtDH: Realm 42nd, OCE 49th, US 397th (Frostmourne)
  • Tier 30: AtSC: Realm 55th, OCE 65th, US 501st (Frostmourne)
  • Tier 29: VoTI: Realm 68th, OCE 82nd, US 653th (Frostmourne)
  • Tier 28: SOFO: Realm 55th, OCE 70th, US 490th (Frostmourne)
  • Tier 27: SOD: Realm 84th, OCE 118th, US 795th (Frostmourne)
  • Tier 26: CN: Realm 6th, OCE 51st, US 390th (Barthilas)
  • Tier 25: NYA: Realm 31st, OCE 123rd, US 912th (Barthilas)


  • Wooly - 3-day CE team: Wed/Sun/Mon, 8:15pm - 11:15pm ST.
  • War - 2-day GMT+8 Mythic team: Thurs/Fri, 8:30pm - 11:00pm GMT+8 (10:30pm - 1:00am ST).
  • Aspect - 2-day Mythic team: Wed/Thurs, 7:30pm - 10:00pm ST.
  • Phoenix - 2-day Mythic team: Sun/Mon, 7:30pm - 10:00pm ST.
  • Thunder - 1-day GMT+8 Mid-level Mythic team: Mon, 9:00pm - 12:00pm ST (7:00pm - 9:00pm GMT+8).
  • Obsidian - 1-day Mythic team: Sun, 7:30pm - 10:30pm ST.
  • Tempest - 1-day Entry to Mid-level Mythic team: Wed, 7:30pm - 10:30pm ST.
  • Arctic - 1-day AOTC Heroic team: Fri, 8:30pm - 11:00pm ST.
  • Titan - 1-day AOTC Heroic team: Fri, 7:30pm - 10:00pm ST.
  • Mammoth - 1-day AOTC Heroic team: Tues, 8:30pm - 11:00pm ST.
  • Dire Wolf - 1-day Entry Level AOTC Heroic team : Tues, 8:00pm - 10:00pm ST.
  • Sabertooth - 1-day Entry-Level Heroic team: Thurs, 8:00pm - 10:30pm ST.
  • Stromgarde - Weekly Open Raid Guild Event : Sat, 8:30pm - 10:30pm ST.

Seeking all roles for various raid levels, from Normal to Mythic CE raiding. Our rosters are healthy, so we prioritize applicants who fit our progression environments and raiding culture. Check comments for updated recruitment needs.

We welcome all roles and specs. Our active M+ community completes 300-350 keys per week, with key levels up to Season Hero title keys in Dragonflight. We aim to expand our M+ member roster and content.

For raiding, M+, PVP, or social interests, add the GM on Discord for a chat and information about the joining/application process for social & competitive content.

GM: Sovereigne - sovereigne#0888 (Discord)



Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a geared and experienced Disc Priest & Holy Paladin for healing, as well as Balance Druid, Warlock, & Rogue (Sin/Sub) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:

You claim you’re a 3 night guild but had to boost your schedule to 7 nights a week to even get realm 6th Sire on barthilas which was very late into the tier mind you. Saying you’re going to try for famed Slayer is a top meme sorry

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Firstly; incorrect, but you wouldn’t know because you’re not from Wooly, nor can you even see our logs.
Secondly; you’re really toxic. So I’ll be reporting your message :slight_smile: thanks.


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a geared and experienced Disc Priest & Holy Paladin for healing, as well as Balance Druid, Warlock, & Rogue (Sin/Sub) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:

I don’t mean to come off as toxic, but advertising a guild on a false pretense is something I think people should know. I have seen your pull counts and I know people in your guild. Remember, Barthilas is a small community.

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Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a geared and experienced Disc Priest & Holy Paladin for healing, as well as Balance Druid, Warlock, & Rogue (Sin/Sub) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a geared and experienced Disc Priest & Holy Paladin for healing, as well as Balance Druid & Rogue (Sin/Sub) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a geared and experienced Disc Priest & Holy Paladin for healing, as well as Balance Druid & Rogue (Sin/Sub) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a geared and experienced Disc Priest & Holy Paladin for healing, as well as Balance Druid & Rogue (Sin/Sub) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a Balance Druid, Hunter (MM/BM), or Warlock (all 3 specs) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a Balance Druid, Hunter (MM/BM), or Warlock (all 3 specs) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a Balance Druid, Hunter (MM/BM), or Warlock (all 3 specs) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing a Balance Druid, Hunter (MM/BM), or Warlock (all 3 specs) for DPS!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing an Arms Warrior & Balance Druid for our DPS roster!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing an Arms Warrior & Balance Druid for our DPS roster!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing an Arms Warrior & Balance Druid for our DPS roster!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing an Arms Warrior & Balance Druid for our DPS roster!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Heroic & Mythic!
Specifically chasing an Arms Warrior & Balance Druid for our DPS roster!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree:


Recruitment continues for selected healer and dps classes for Sanctum Mythic!
Specifically chasing an Arms Warrior & Balance Druid for our DPS roster!

M+ and Social members are also welcome :muscle:t5::deciduous_tree: