M CN 7/10
H SoD 5/10 (2 days of prog with full normal clear 6 hours total)
Raider IO s1 - 2397 (Was US rank 87 going into final week ended @100)
Current IO S2 - 1727 (will be 2k in a day or so)
Warcraft logs: DVDM - Bleeding Hollow
Past experience:
Always was in CE content/guilds till mid legion during Helya I broke both wrists and took a break. Then had two kids during BFA. Came back to the game in March pugged my way to Aotc and around Mid April joined a 2/10 m guild and helped push them to 7/10m.
Kill achievements: Server first Heroic Rag, Heroic Sin, Illidan, Vashj, CE - Xavius, M Guarm broke wrist just as we started prog on Helya (Super convenient =D )
What about the guild you are in now? Good question I found out tonight we aren’t a guild anymore. Painsmith half the guild couldn’t understand how to avoid spikes, use personal cds when they had chains. The same people kept us stuck on CoB in CN and it became apparent that it would take a lot of replacing to push content.
I was a Theatre teacher for 5 years so I’m pretty relaxed and don’t take myself too seriously, but can be serious and know how to manage drama. I’m 31 and retired, so plenty of time to raid.
What else do I have? Druid Bear/tree, DH melee/tank, Hunter, Paladin Healer (keys)
Hit me up if you want to do a key or ask questions and stuff.