
Godhand is recruiting for our 25 man raiding team. We plan to clear all raids in Wrath. We will be clearing regular, heroic and hard mode. We will also be pushing to get all raid and dungeon achievements, titles (i.e Immortal) and mounts.

Our primary focus will be raiding but we will do pvp/arena and alt gearing on non raid nights.

Raid times will be 8pm-11:30pm EST Friday and Saturday. Please show up 15 minutes early.

You will need to sign up for raid events every week in discord to get your spot.

Current roles to fill:

Assn Rogue

Fury Warrior


Marks Hunter

Enhancement or Elemental Shaman

Disc and Shadow Priest.

If you’re interested: Contact in game: Primarch#1752 or Vagenius#1280
Discord: https://discord.gg/Wbk7KjvQ99