Aggro after wipe bug with Frost mages

I’ve been running lonely winter in beta with it happening so definitely not a pet thing. It could maybe be icicles. It’s just so weird, I can sit around, let the other 4 party members release and starting running back. I release way after them and then things will still teleport to me. Getting resurrected seems to not trigger it compared to releasing. It’s like some dot/ability has a chance to stick on the mob, and isn’t triggered until I click the release button.


I created a forum post under bug reports if people wanted to give that any attention so it is seen!

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This has happened to me on my Frost Mage multiple times both in and out of dungeons. I’ve also experienced something similar when going invisible to drop aggro on a group of mobs that I’m about to die to, have them reset, and then when I’m at a safe distance to eat, I’ll try eating food, and immediately get aggro the moment my invisibility drops. I thought it may have been food related, since you get a “heal” but I’ve had it happen even without eating. Really frustrating bug that I wish Blizzard would address, as it has cost some M+ runs for me.


If orb is still up when you come back to life and damages a mob it reaggros them.

I saw this last night in Bastion at the elite WQ. I used invis to drop aggro, and I made sure to wait until after I saw both blizzard and frozen orb were no longer active. I moved away from the mobs and watched them all reset to their spawn points. Then, before I could even start to eat, they regained aggro and charged me.

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Has now happened to me twice in Theater of pain and Twice in Necrotic Wake. All 4 times I waited until Frozen orb despawned and a few seconds after, then released. Still instantly put in combat upon respawning. Twice tried to immediately invis which caused them to reset AGAIN then popping out of invis they snapped back to me.

I’m actually now not being taken on key groups because of this bug that has been in the game since Ny’alotha…

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This was just happening to myself in a Torg run. One of the abilities I gained Burst of Despair? would aggro mobs and sometimes a boss up ahead.

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We were in necrotic wake 8. Tank decided to try and skip narzudah before the bridge. We ended up getting both packs and wiped. When I released i was in combat with no invis so I ran out of the instance quickly, then came back in and mounted up. When we got to first boss area, narzudah teleported by himself to us. Left combat again and mounted. Ran up the stairs, the other 3 mobs that were with him instantly agrod and ran to us. So glitchy

I’ve had this happen in Mythics. I’ve had this happen in Torghast as well, which sucks because it basically makes that run impossible

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Agreed. I don’t care about it as much in in say a Mythic0 or something, but in M+ when you are timed or in Torghast with limited lives, it really sucks wiping a 2nd for no reason.