Aggrend, just reset all Classic lockouts

We know you can do this. No one cares if it impacts Era. Just hit that button and flush all raid IDs.


No. Just wait it to reset again. Go do something else. That’s your only option

All of the official Blizzard communications leading up to phase 2 indicated the raid would be resetting this morning, and then following a 3-day lockout. The raid didn’t reset this morning, so it’s a bug that should be fixed.


Would anyone have even managed to clear the raid by this morning? Or can they target lockouta over a certain amount of time?

They said they are fixing it. So were getting a 2 day lockout it seems like.

Where did they say they’re fixing it? I’ve only seen the blue post saying they’ll share more info when they have it, which could end up being “Sorry, we can’t fix it.”

Theres literally a blue post. Gnomeregan Raid Lockout Update - Feburary 20

Yes, literally a blue post saying they know it’s broken and will share more info soon. You’ll notice they were careful to not say anything specifically about fixing it, because they don’t know yet whether there is a fix.

well… the raid DID reset this morning… just not for everyone