Aggramar Alliance Reconnections

I was in One Eight Seven with you back in the day!

I was in Ka Tet and One Eight Seven for most of Vanilla.

Would love to see if any of the old crew is still around.

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Once upon a time, a Human Paladin named Doneover was born. He played in Nordic by Nature, Disposable Heroes, and Order of the Raven for an exceedingly short amount of time.

Hello old friends. It’s been quite some time.


Xejo here. Human Paladin in Dawn of Kaldorei and then Nordic by Nature.

Of course I remember you Donny!! I’m sure you remember a few adventures too… like logging on behind thrall in org! Remember a ton of other people in this thread too.

If anyone wants to play with me I’ll be on Whitemane horde. Discord is Ferrous#8102

Kwakune/Kwaksdwarf/Daggerbeard is gonna be with me too.


I remember you too! We did ZG Together a lot. Whackdonalds was whack anyway.

larks :smiley: how are you and sema?

Played a human warlock named Lithiana, I can’t remember much from way back when, other than being in a guild, i think, was called TVCnemesis. Hi all to anyone who remember me, lol.

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Name was Skitzat, a gnome rogue (still the same toon today). I also had a dwarf hunter named Rolan and a night elf druid named Laindaredra. I sadly don’t remember the guild I used to run with. I’ll be making a paladin this time around though. I’ll be on Pagle if I can manage to snag a good paladin name.

And somewhere in there, a GM ported you to Teldrassil for standing on the badge vendor! XD Hey, Done!

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Hiya Donny!

Yalice! NE BM Hunter and our guild was Aggromasters! Anyone we may know out there? I’ll be recreating this toon on Atiesh. I also reserved a Pally named Palice and a lock named Walice.

I REMEMBER RHY <3 <3 this is swazafix/cuddlekin


Was in Masters of the Storm for Mc Bwl AQ played with blackwido for years after guild split up lost touch with most after TBC

My name was Solamun, Night Elf Druid, looking for anyone that was in the guild “Seekers of Truth”

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Oh man I remember that. Sess and I still play together. We’ll be playing on Grob.

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Howdy, howdy folks! Posting up on my main back in the day when we were running 40-man. Been so long but remember a lot of characters mentioned in this thread. Miss the old AG Radio crew; we used to listen in online while we were raiding.

  • Character/Race/Class: Drojann, Night Elf Druid
  • Guilds: Unrest, Custos Arcanum
  • Folks the wife and I remember running with: Aeloni, Dursley, Exegesis, Collette, Whitefang, Shipley, Lhivera, Siva, Chaud, Doncella, Tarnish, Slobad, Stumpee, Gerish, Grog…and a ton of others just out of reach of my fading memory.

…then there was Happyangle who was always running around farming in Azshara. Can’t really put my finger on why I’d remember that name but oh well! Looking forward to seeing some of y’all back online. :wink:

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My wife and I still joke about Happyangle :laughing:

Very first character; Krazykyle Human rogue.

I am looking specifically for just one person who I lost contact with shortly after TBC ended and hoping to find them here since we did meet in the vanilla days.

Zetakid…my old holy paladin friend, if you’re out there reading this I hope you the wife and kids are doing well these days and can find this and find me on here. I would love to being able to reconnect with you and play with you again.

My name was Sylassa back in Classic. I was probably annoying back then. I was one of the first enchanters on the server.

I remember Kainzo, Orb, OOTR, all the regulars. Used to take people to get exotic pets (back when no one knew were things were) and ran a LOT of strat groups.

Started the guild Qualinesti Blood Guard day one, gave it to another guildie about 6 months after, and then moved to Equinox, and then Exodus (which turned into Nemesis).

Left the server and then ran some world first/server first guilds on other servers and games.

We have about 40+ people who’ve played with me over the years coming back and in Discord now. If you’re looking for a home, let me know.




I was probably your GM at some point, because I was to Kornutz, Windrush, and Dakind.

We have about 40+ people getting back together. Hit me up.
