Leonnardo, of Doomsday and briefly with Anathema Sky, captain of the friend ship.
Hello? Anyone out there? I remember a few of these names from looking through here. Never talked to most though was just a little lurker back then!
I remember both Nyteshade and Edges, but I have to be honest I remember Edges a lot more. Hows it going you guys? I quit playing back in 07 because I got married. So many people that I havnt heard from in forever. Not sure if your playing on classic, im on Groubbulus playing on Alliance as a Warlock named Pytho or add me on blizzard Eagleeye714#1778 if you would like to say Hi
Zuljyn from Vicious Cycle, Divine Storm.
Used to play a lot with Havix/Livestock, Avianflu, and others.
Would love to re-connect for some old times =)
Wow this is wild. I remember all of you folks who were in Vicious Cycle. I played an UD Mage by the name of Fridge. I played extensively with Faxmachine and Zanathil, and Pheq, and raided with the guild through BWL. I quit like a drama queen but man are those cherished memories. Hope you’re all doing well
Dudeee !!! What ever happened to Fattboy. Bro you guys had me dieing in vent every night. Kalsun - Tauren Warrior
hello friends
So it’s been about a month and a half now, and Incendius is turning out to be a nice server. Queues are gone but it’s still very lively. And now that I’ve gotten the “new” Arlenna to level 35 I’ve re-tapped into some old parts of my brain and I remember so many more of your names now.
Anybody on Incendius who is still looking for a guild home should find us! We are slow but have great camaraderie just like the old days.
^Arlenna Cottage Cheese Pirates by the way, lol.
Tenstorm Orc shaman, Vicious Cycle, Warlord, Gladiator.
see alot of familiar names!
Tenstorm!!! One of my fav memories is when we went into WSG after i got ashkandi. You followed me around with wind fury murdering people.
Heal Madona!!!
So Excited for Bg’s man this world pvp S&#@ is becoming annoying lol … Miss y’all …
Haha yea i am sick of it taking an hour to run to BRM
I def. remember some of you all here. I was Devilspawn and was GM of Invaders at one point, then did lots of PvP with Made in TW guild. I was in CCP for a short time too. Blast from the past.
/wave <3
Its da Egyptian
Lol I am just replaying that exact same thing from Real classic… I became 3rd tank for a guild (Same as vicious cycle.) Both our main tanks need Garr’s binding to drop and it never will (Just like in vicious cycle…) I am almost as geared as Madona was in the day.
<- Loons Orc Hunter in Vicious Cycle for vanilla
then switched to priest Lewns in TBC. Was in VC then moved to Gummi Bears,
Im currently on Herod Alliance, name is Lewns.
Curious where everyone ended up. Maybe if people reply with their server and name I’ll edit this into a list.
brbphone/shuckfit – Herod horde
Madona/Roick I went to Whitemane did alliance this time… I am enjoying not having a pvp queue this time lol.